Chapter 16

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Riley's POV
'Um Ri?I need to tell you something,'Emily whispers to me as the boys go to get some food.
'What's up?'I ask
'Woah.Slow down,I have no idea what the hell you just said.'I say very confused.
'Riley...I am moving to England.'
'Well,I found out on Saturday that I got the part for that TV show I auditioned for.I was obviously deciding whether or not to go,since I didn't know beforehand that it would be filmed in England.But with everything that's happened between Jackson and I,I think taking this opportunity would be a good thing.It's like a new start for me,'she explains to me.
I sit there shocked and slightly hurt.I don't want to sound selfish but what about me,her little sister?
'Riley,you know I love you,and I want to stay with you,but you know how much this means to me. It's everything I have ever wanted.You have to understand.' I realise that I need to support her through this. Becoming an actress is her dream,and I want her to follow her dreams. I take a deep breath and nod my head.
'When are you leaving?'
'A few months,probably just after you finish your senior year,so I will still be here to help you get ready for prom,'she giggles.
I shake my head and smile at my sister. After everything she's gone through,she is thinking about me and prom. Hell,I don't even know if I want to go to prom!I just shake the thought off,that's ages away.
'Anyways,you should probably get going.'I look at Emily shocked. She actually thinks I'm leaving?
'No.I'm staying here until your surgery tomorrow.'I protest.
'No you are not because you have got school tomorrow and the surgery is during school time.'
'But Em..'
'No buts,you are going to school no matter what and that's final.' I sit back in my chair and cross my arms angrily. No fair.
Just then James and Hunter walk through the door and I see Emily blush when Hunter looks at her. What's going on between them two?
'Why do you look like you are going to jump up and kill someone at any moment?'James asks me warily. I give him a dirty look and grumble under my breath whilst Emily takes a deep breath and rolls her eyes.
'I told her that she can't stay with me until my surgery because she,in fact all of you, have school tomorrow.' James nods understandingly. Whatever.
'Come on,we should get going,Emily needs rest.'James says as I unavoidably yawn.'And so do you.' With lots of hesitation I get up and walk over to Emily.I kiss her forehead and say goodbye to her,wishing her goodluck for the surgery.We then all head out and enter the car.
After about 15 minutes, Hunter drops me and James off at my apartment.
'Hey, do you want me to stay with you tonight?' James asks. I nod my head as I lean it against his bicep.

James' POV
I carry Riley the rest of the way up the stairs bridal-style,not acknowledging the protests from her.
I've stayed at Riley's lots of times,just like she has stayed at my house as best friends and as boyfriend and girlfriend.We know that neither of us are ready for the next step,we have only been dating for a couple months and are only in highschool,and we respect eachothers desicions.
I put Riley down on her bed and kiss her cheek as she lets out a yawn.
'Get changed and then we can go to sleep,' I tell her gently.
She instantly grabs her PJs and goes to the bathroom. I have some of my clothes here since I stay over quite alot,but since it's so hot I just put a pair of trackies on and leave my top off.

Riley's POV
I come back into my room after I've changed and see James shirtless on the bed. I've seen him shirtless lots of times,since we always go to the beach,so I have no idea why I feel my cheeks burning. He looks towards me and smirks whilst looking shocked if that is even possible.
'Do I see the Riley Raymond blushing!Oh my frickin god!I deserve a fucking medal!I made Riley Raymond blush!Hear that everybody?James Tordjman made Riley Raymond blush!Ha!'

What is this guy doing to me!I am blushing.I never blush!I respond to his comments by giving him a hard punch on the arm
'I am NOT blushing.'I state firmly,although we both know that's a lie.

James' POV
Riley can say whatever she wants,I know that I made her blush.I am kind of proud of myself actually,Raymond's blush is very rare.I have never seen her blush,and I've known her for most of our lives.
I open my arms wide open and she jumps into them,burying her head into my bare chest. She starts to kiss my neck,cheek and jawline until I can't take it anymore so I lift her chin with my finger and press my lips onto hers,our scents mingling together perfectly.
But when we kiss I can tell that something is on her mind,so I pull away and she gives me a confused expression.
'What's wrong?'I ask.

Riley's POV
When James asks me what's wrong I know I have to tell him.
'I'm scared James.I'm scared that tomorrow when I go to visit my big sister in the hospital,I won't see her. What if the surgery goes wrong,James?'I ask desperately,tears blurring my vision.

James' POV
I pull Riley closer to me and cradle her tightly,never wanting to let her go. Riley's never scared of anything-except chickens-and if she is she never shows it.I kiss her temple and whisper soothing things in her ear.
'Hey,hey.What did I say to you at the hospital today?Emily is a fighter Ri.She'll make it.But you have to believe she will.Ok?',I look down at my baby and she looks up at me and nods her head then she leans in and gives me a short sweet kiss and yawns.

Riley's POV
'Come on babe,time to go to sleep.'James says as he lays us down so we are facing each other.
'Don't call me babe,'I mumble,nuzzling into his chest and he just chuckles.In minutes I fall into a deep sleep in James' arms,thinking about how lucky I am to have him in my life.

....The next day at the hospital....
Riley's POV
Breathe Riley,breathe.When you walk through that door Emily will be there waiting for you,telling you how well the surgery went.James sits down on a chair outside,since he wants to give me and Emily some privacy.I finally find the courage and open the door to see.....


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