chapter one: Liana

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Okay, so Liana here writing the first chapter! Yay~! Hope you enjoy! It was Kuro's idea to have ourselves as the main character, so we put our real personalities and everything into this... Yeah.

"I don't really think nature is all that bad." I paused for a moment before adding, "It's pretty." Looking into the past minutes, Naga and I have been talking about why nature is bad and whatnot, though I'm quite against what she's been saying.

"Not really, it's really scary... you know? Like you could die at any moment!" Naga was saying, my thoughts drifted. Naga never understood anything, though she may say that she understands me more than anyone else, she doesn't. But I go with it. She believes she is the eraser on my being the pencil. The pencil needing an eraser to be an actual 'pencil', she had said. I agreed. Inwardly, I had told myself not. If she was the eraser and me the pencil, that would mean she wasn't needed, just an 'extra'.

The pencil that does all the work and the eraser that sits idly by helping out then and there. But when used, parts of themselves are hurt. Erasers erase mistakes, but when the eraser is the mistake, what do you do?

"But I agree with you, nature is pretty. All the animals and plants and flowers!" Naga starts looking at all the 'nature' we were passing by. A rock, a flower, a blade of grass, a tree stump, the gray sky, the gravel ground.

This is another thing I don't like about Naga, once she hears my opinion she tries, attempts, and fails at changing her mind and convincing me that she had.

I smiled and laughed, "Yes~!" I say. I run ahead, "My mom is expecting me to be home by four, it's already." I check my phone, "3:48 exactly. So, I gotta go. Bye~!" I waved my hand, shifting the bag over my left shoulder and start to run. Actually, that was a lie. I just needed to get away from Naga and her childish.

No no, I don't really mind childish people, well, there are two types of childish. The people who seem ignorant and the people who are ignorant. Naga is the latter.
As I ran past the houses occupying the side of the streets., I remembered the place where I was supposed to meet her. Kuro. She promised me chocolates today since I never get to ever have any sweets back at my place. Kuro's parent's allows her to have sweets but she isn't allowed to have any electronics, a phone, etc. So that could maybe be considered my part of the bargain?

"Liana!~" I heard a shout, I stopped, then yelped a little as Kuro came up behind me and started to glomp me. "H-Hey! Kuro!" I shouted in protest, quickly turning away from her. Kuro just laughed, "I got some chocolates! I personally think the caramel are the best, so," She started to rumple through her bag, looking for something. She got a lavender colored plastic box out, and took out a piece of chocolate. "Here!" She handed the chocolate to me.

"Wow. Thanks Kuro! This tastes really good..." I trailed off, trying to chew. "Really chewy..." I muttered, laughing. Kuro responded with a, "I know, Ha!"

While devouring the taste of chocolates, I thought back to the other day.

"Go do piano now, Liana." My mother shouted at me in the middle of eating rice my grandmother had made. "Sure, I'll do it after I eat." I called back to her. Immediately I heard footsteps, I instantly regretted my response. "Exactly WHAT did you just say?" My mother accused, slapping me, it didn't hurt much since I have a high tolerance for pain. Also because I was used to it by now. "I'm sorry, I-"

"Don't talk back to me! Liana, I am your mother. I raised you, created you, let you into this world. And you talk back to me!? I am your mother, for goodness sake Liana. Do you not realize the sacrifices I have made to raise you? All the pain and suffering!?" My mother was always like this. While my father completely ignore me. I stood up and ran to the piano, "Why are you running, Liana!? Alex is sleeping!" My mom shouted after me, walking towards the piano I was sitting at. Crossing her arms as she looked down at me.

I took out my books, Lesson Book A3, Mastering The Piano Book 3, Sasuki Book 5, Finger Power Book 2. I laid them out on the piano to the page of choice. I ran through each of my songs, doing my scales last. My mother had sat down, while listening to me play. My fingers flew across the piano with practiced ease. I closed my eyes and just went with the music. I heard clapping once I finished, it was my mother.

"That was exceptional, Liana., exceptional. I want you to play piano for me everyday, don't you forget." She came up to hug me from behind.. "That was beautiful." She murmured in my ear, I nodded my head numbly.

"Liana, when I am older and am an elder, will you take care of me?"

"Of course, mother."


"Hey, so." I started to say. "Hmm?" Kuro looked up from eating chocolate, I had only about 3, I think she ate half the box. I didn't mind. "So, about our plan..." I trailed off again. Kuro nodded her head, "Yeah, I was thinking about tonight. You know? No time like now!" She laughed, I sighed. "You got that from me, didn't you."

She put a finger to her chin and tilted her head slightly, "Maybe?" She giggled.

Yeah, so tonight it is.

Tonight is when we will run away.


Okay, so I hope you liked it!
Chapter By: Liana

The picture is of Oz Vessalius from Pandora Hearts. Which is what Liana looks like when she cross-dresses. Which is what she does when she gets to Hunter x Hunter.

Look forward to the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed!

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