chapter nineteen: Liana

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Haaaiii~ Sorry for the long wait! Okay, well, here we go! (Me, Liana XD)
Also, me and Kuro have decided on making this a series of books. Also, soon we will make a 'prologue' book. Of what happens BEFORE all this crazy stuff...
Which is more crazy stuff XD
Also, the Queen of Spades and Four (4) of Spades are just playing cards, which are based off of your birthday.

So the 'Queen' and 'Four' part mean nothing. Besides the personality thing buuuuutt, yeah. XD

Also, well, I had to do a lot of research since I barely got this far in Hunter x Hunter... So I had a lot of catching up to do XD And I still do lol. Also, Kuro was/is moving and she won't/doesn't have wifi for a couple of days so... I'm struggling here!

"My my, watch out you have much more to find out, I know your secret my Queen of Spades." His words whispered in her ear, she watched with wide eyes as illusionary spiders crawled up her legs, arms, and back. She was unable to make any other sound than a small, strangled gurgle.

And just as quickly, the feeling of illusion melted away. Liana turned around to watch the back of Hisoka as he walked back to the sidelines without looking back at her. She quickly ran back too, making sure to stay clear of Hisoka.

She then thought she heard a whisper, maybe it was just her imagination?

The ripened fruit are doing well. Don't worry, mhmhm there is still plenty of time...


The fact that Killua would fail was no surprise, for Liana or Kuro. And as Liana stared on pathetically thinking about what Hisoka meant by what he said. Kuro had been all dramatic and had even tears in her eyes as she hugged and tried to comfort Killua. Who then pushed her away and walked out of the room, leaving a hurt Kuro behind.

We hadn't seen Killua in a while. But now, we were facing the big dark mansion that was Killua's house.


Well, Liana and Kuro that is. They had both left without telling anyone else that they were leaving, knowing that they would meet up with everyone else eventually.

Liana started to blank. "Uh, Kuro!" She shouted to the Kuro who was running up ahead, in a hurry to get to the top of the mountain. Liana, being the unenergetic person she was, was just walking. It wasn't really a mountain. Liana just called it such as she was such a lazy person. It couldn't have been more than a small hill. But it was long.

Giving Liana a nasty glare Kuro turned around, "What is it!?" She demanded, "We have to hurr-" Liana instantly sighed and with a quick boost of energy ran up in seconds and put a hand on Kuro's shoulders.

"Calm down."

Her voice rang, a calm wave torrent. Kuro then did something unexpected, leaning forward she stared at Liana, for a long time. Until Liana blinked, "You look lik-" She was cut off by her own, "Ow! Kuro!"

Kuro had bumped her head against Liana's, who stumbled back and commercially fell down. But she stopped herself just in time. Huffing while flicking Kuro on the head. "The only sound is my laughter..." She sarcastically said, swinging her arms as she walked ahead. Leaving Kuro to start laughing to herself.

"Aww, you are never any fun!" Kura replied. Liana giving her the cold shoulder.


Liana sweat dropped, "It wasn't this big in the anime..."

They were now in front of the big gates that were stationed in front of the Zoldyck mansion. Kura gleefully patted Liana's back, "It can't be too hard! I bet we got super strength now too!" Liana just sighed.

"Don't be too hopeful-" Liana was cut off when Kuro fell back onto her. "What was that for!?" Liana shouted.

Kura scratched the back of her neck, "I guess we don't have any super strength..." In annoyance Liana then lightly punched Kuro and kicked Kuro off her. Liana had already had generally strong legs due to the fact that she had danced before and-- Ugh! She still couldn't remember everything!

Oh, she did remember something about her father saying to never show her legs because then everyone would think they were abusing her... Wait, what?

"Okay, let's try this together then!" Kuro looked a Liana for a moment thinking, though Liana doubted she actually every truly thought things over. The finger on the chin was only for show... At least in Liana's eyes they were.

"Yeah, like that'll work. Killua was able-- I mean, is able to open three gates. We'll barely be able to open one." Nevertheless Liana put her hands on the gigantic gate, giving Kuro a glance to make sure she was ready.

"On the count of three," Liana started, "One...Two...Three!" You would've been able to hear a grunting noise as Kuro and Liana pushed the gate with all their might.

They finally saw a crack of light which gave them renewed energy and motivation. "And..." Kuro stated, "There!"

They pushed the door open with a loud creak. "Hmm," Said Liana, "Not bad! Two doors!" Liana grinned at Kuro. "Come on, let's get going. Run! Big dog ahead!" She laughed at the last part as Kuro grinned back. "Yep!" Kuro yelled in her ear.

And with that, they ran ahead. Which made their grins fall straight off their faces.

Dogs are NOT Liana's favorite animal. Wolves were. There was a difference. A BIG, HUGE, difference.


Okay, sorry for the long wait for this chapter! I was really at a lost of what to do, so I just did a very uninteresting chapter XD Gome gome!


Gon: Maybe? *Scratched head*

Liana: *Sigh* Who knew Gon could control what I said...

Kuro: *Busts in* Yep! Well, I was the one who controlled Gon to control what you said and-

Liana: Okay, okay. I get it, I'm not the politest person in the world...

Gon/Kuro: Yeeeeesssss?

Liana: *Mumbles* I'm going to kill you one day.

Gon: Haha, *Smiles a little while scratching the back of his head, then started to run away as Liana glared at him.*

Kuro: *Sticks tongue out.*

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