chapter eleven: Liana

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Hello~! Liana here! Again... *Cries* I bet you are all sick and tired of me... Kuro is so exciting and an amazing writing... I suck... XD Okay. so with that note Ima go and TRY my best and try NOT to fail...HARD...
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I sighed inwardly, who would've thought I would be doing this. And as the anime had told, the wetlands were hard to run in, it was pretty tiring. Or, at least it would be tiring had this been real life. But no, this is Hunter x Hunter where everyone has superhuman abilities and-- okay, I am getting carried away.

That's when I remembered, Hisoka. That freak was probably killing people right now. I still wasn't too used to the animated graphics being, well, real. And so, when I saw Hisoka cut down some men, my thoughts were the same as when I was watching the anime, nothing less, nothing more. Which is why I was not as excited as Kuro to actually talk with Killua, Gon, and Kurapika.

Kuro was always more attached to the anime than I was. As was the same for me and Pandora Hearts, that anime was just amazing, specially the manga. And when the manga was finished I was left with tears in my eyes, Kuro? Not so much. She was disinterested in it, or just too scared to watch it, I wasn't sure. All I knew was that she barely even gave it a chance. Which, is the same with me and all those main stream anime, One Piece, Bleach, and Naruto. I barely gave those a chance and--

I'm getting off topic again.

I gave Kuro a look and whispered, "Stay with Killua." Which I could tell she was more than happy to apply to. I untangled her fingers from mine and turned around towards all the screaming. They didn't sound as realistic in the actual anime... .

I started to run back to where Gon, Leorio, Kurapika, and Hisoka would be. I have never liked Hisoka, but he was always so interesting and so I really want to test his reactions. But right before I approached the spot Hisoka was hitting Gon with, I realized something. My eyes went wide as I realized how helpless I really was.

I had no weapon. No skill that I know of. Nothing.

That was when fear came over me. I looked at where Hisoka was. His eyes trailed over to me as he licked his lips. Ah, so this is why he didn't call me his ripened fruit... Though I couldn't be a hundred percent sure. Gon was on the ground now, with Leorio ready to pounce on Hisoka. Just let them be. I told myself, but my legs refused to move.

I took a deep breath.

Think, Liana, think. Barely any of the other participants have any special powers or skills or weapons! Yeah, like Gon doesn't have his fishing pole, Hisoka his cards, Illumi his needles, Killua his nails and just assassination techniques, Kurapika and his... wait, what were those called again?

So yeah, no one else has any special abilities or powers -- wait, Kuro! She doesn't-- which did NOT help in the least bit.

I sighed to myself again, what was I going to do? I knew what was going to happen and that they were going to be okay. I swiftly turned around, but when I did I stepped on a branch that was littering the ground. Damn it. I swore silently in my head. I was turned away, my heart beating a mile a second.

Dang it, dang it, dang it, dang it--

"Ah~, do you wish to help these two?" Hisoka's voice whispered into my ear. On instinct I nodded my head, but instantly regretted it. So I then shook my head in a trembling 'No'.

I didn't turn around, I just stood limply right there, one foot on the branch I had stepped on, I put more pressure, it snapped.

You are powerless. A voice whispered in my head. Was this another one of Hisoka's Nen abilities!? Or just ability in general? My suspicions were then confirmed. I can help you, you know, The voice-- Hisoka's voice continued in my skull.

He then spoke aloud. "That little boy has run away already. The tall shaggy man is unconscious. And I believe you've promised me something--" I cut him off, some of my previous courage coming back. "I never promised."

"But you will, you will get me my ripened fruit~," I shuddered a bit at a slurping sound Hisoka was making. It was disgusting. He never did this in the anime did he?

"Do I have a choice?" I questioned Hisoka. Already knowing the answer.

"Not really~. Let me explain <3."


I had gotten back to the place where Kuro and Killua was waiting, Gon was already there, he had gotten Leorio already from Hisoka. I smiled a bit. I've just made a deal with the devil.

Hisoka's gaze turned towards Kuro, I glared at him. He saw my glare and did another one of his creepy smiles. I heard his voice in my mind again. Don't worry, they will all be safe. My head whipped around at the voice and made sure not to EVER look at Hisoka again. At least for the next ten minutes.

His words from that moment in the clearing echoed in my mind.

Use the weapon when you find it~. It'll be extremely useful~. All you gotta do is this. Create my ripened fruit, make them become stronger, sharpen my fruit. Give them an edge. And become stronger too, I believe, the Gatekeepers are hoping for that. I only wish the best for them and for you~! I'm just joking.

The Gatekeepers. Where have I heard that? I still had no memory of where we came from, though some memories had come back over time, I don't remember everything. Like what happened to make us come into Hunter x Hunter.

And what did Hisoka have to do with the Gatekeepers?

Also, what was this 'weapon' he was talking about?

One sentence came through my mind.

Find out your sin, and amend your punishment.

Okay, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I was kinda at a lost for what to write but...!

Also! We will be skipping the cooking phase cause it's kinda boring to write... yeah me and Kuro agreed on that.
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