chapter Nine: Liana

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Chapter Nine: Liana
Liana is back everyone!~ Yay, so we have been updating a lot and we would like to know if it was for everything or for nothing. Tell us nee>?
Unknown Object
<-- Kinda has something to do with the chapter, or at least will have something to do with a later chapter probably much later. At least Liana's thoughts. So I guess this is kinda Liana? Oh no! Not the picture. Sorry for that confusion.

"Yeah." I answered dumbfounded, a 'sad' expression on my face. You could tell when his breath hitched up that he was confused and embarrassed, "Wh-what was that for?!" He said, blushing slightly.

"What, my expression?" I say with a sigh. "I've just found out that you caught The Kuro." I put her hands on Kuro's shoulders and sigh dramatically. "This stupid little-" I covered Kuro's mouth with my hands to make her not shout in protest. "-girl has brought an-" I looked Killua up and down, trying to look dissatisfied, even though I was actually on the verge of blushing. "-apparently contagious disease when she was brought to life on this planet." I let go of Kuro who automatically starts to fake cry. I sighed.

Answering his questioning look, I say, "The disease is when you have caught the stupidity of Kuro." I finished plainly. I then smiled, "It's defectionous." I could automatically tell Killua was getting slightly annoyed and so I let a bit of a blush creep up my face. For once Kuro was being quiet on the side lines, well, glaring, but still quiet.

But her eyes widened when she saw the blush on my cheeks. I looked away, "But, you seem like a nice enough guy so," I poked my fingers together, nervously, looking anywhere but Killua. "I wish you luck..." I trailed off as I whispered the last part.

Kuro and Killua blinked at each other and then walked their separate ways, though not exactly 'separate'. More like Killua walking away from Kuro and Liana nonchalantly as Kuro realized he stole a pocky stick from her and so she is now chasing him. As she would've probably have done anyways.

Liana looked around her as her eyes fell on Gon again, he was just so happy. Like Kuro. Which is another reason why she has always liked Gon in the anime but definitely not like as in love.

She remembered her preference of boys, she needed to get over it and just get a new type, some people have said. But she has always gone for the bad boy type. Not innocent nobody- oops, did she just think that?

(A/N First person now!)

Oh no. It's the weird dude with no mouth. Dang it, why him. I always have hated him and the way he spoke with no mouth. After his little chat which I payed little to no attention to, he turned around and started t0 walk away. As I was somewhat in the middle of the crowd, Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika were more in the back. With Killua and Kuro somewhat in the front. At least, farther up than the rest of us.

I started looking around for Hisoka, finally finding him.

He still had this predatory look in his eyes, his back was hunched slightly, he was hanging near the back.

Okay, now that I knew where he was, I could keep an eye on him so he doesn't go after Kuro. She's probably gonna be too careless and forget that Hisoka is even here and be snuck up from behind once we reach the mud forest area. I sighed inwardly to myself, I have a hard time convincing myself that she is a year younger than me.

We were Jogging now. I ran over to where Killua was now beside Gon. "Hey," Killua asks Gon, looking slightly disinterested. "How old are you?" Gon smiles his innocent wide smile before giving Killua his answer, "Im twelve!" Killua imeadiately brightens up. "Really? I am too!"

Oh dang. They were Kuro's age. Which is one year older than me. I just got a bright idea. To keep them from looking down on my I would say I was a year older than them! Which would be, eh, I forgot Kurapika's age! Fifteen? Is Kurapika fifteen? Im going to have to ask him soon. But that would make me thirteen then, if I was going to pretend to be a year older.

I headed over right after Kuro said her age too, surprising Killua slightly because of her childishness.
His gaze turned towards me, I realized he was still on his skateboard. Wasnt he supposed to be off it by now? I questioned myself before smiling at Killua and increasing my running speed.

"Hey," I say, lifting a hand. "And Im a year older than you all." Killua nodded, "That makes sense-" He was cut off by Kuro who immediately said, "What!? No! Liana is a year YOUNGER than me! She is 11, not 13!" I wasnt fast enough at covering her mouth. Gon had a confused expression on his face.

"Um, Kuro? I think Liana knows better than you what her own age was..." Gon trailed off, smiling while scratching the back of his head. I nodded my bead calmly, "Yeah." Was my only answer.

Kuro understood me well enough to know the reason I lied about my age. She gave a small pout at Gon and when he turned away to talk with Killua she nodded at me understandedly. I sighed giving her a smile and a small smile.

"Thanks." I whispered under my breath at her, she gave me one of her big smiles that were somewhat similar to Gon's but not exactly as innocent before also giving me a thumbs up.

We continued running on the rocky path, finally making it to the stairs. Killua, Gon, and Kuro were racing each other. I tried to ignore Leorio's disgusting body. Of course Kuro was way behind them, I was saving my energy, running normally and at a steady pace. Gradually increasing my speed. The bodies of the exhausted littered the floor. I almost tripped over one. Kuro most surely did trip over one.

And then we finally made it to the end of the halfmark of the first phase. The light at the end of the tunnel revealing the open sky.

Hope you liked it!

were in hunter x hunter fangirl edition) )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz