chapter six: Kuro

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hi, its kuro here! i hope you enjoy this chapter!


''now, tell me your names.'' said the captain as the rest of the people, who could stand stood in his office.

''i'm gon!'' gon shouted excitedly. ''I'm kuro!!'' I yelled as everyone, except for liana covered their ears, on my shout.
''liana.'' liana said simply. ''I'm kurapika.'' kurapika spoke up.
''Leorio.'' leorio said a bit irritated.
''Why do you want to be hunters?'' the captain asked.
''Why do we have to tell you!'' leorio shouted, wow i think he might even be louder then me.
heh.. thats actually impossible.

''I want to be a hunter, to find out why my dad became a hunter over raising me!'' Gon said excitedly, while leorio glared at the boy.

''Hey kid dont answer his question, he's not even an examiner!'' leorio shouted at gon.
''So you refuse?'' the captain asked.
''Yes he has a point, i choose not to answer because that will reveal a secret that i don't want to uncover.'' Kurapika spoke up, who stood beside

Then the captain turned his head to my direction, waiting for my answer...
'dangit, i didn't think of a reason.' i thought to myself while scowling my mind.

''oh....i want to be a hunter because......ehh i have nothing.'' i replied with a pour and scowl.
Turning my head to liana, my eyes held hope that she will help me out.

Liana nodded as she got the message. ''Sorry about her, kuro and i both have a reason we want to be hunters to explore the world and find new friends, a-''and meet killua!'' i shouted, earning a nudge from my said, that was from liana.

Everyone looked at us weirdly. ''Who is killua?'' Gon questioned, like the second time.
I then panic replied.

''Oh he's a chocolate, he's delicious!'' I shouted as Liana face palmed while sighing.
''A chocolate is a 'he'?'' Questioned gon with a confused look.

I earned more looks, before the captain called katsou in. One of the crew members.
''Yes sir?'' questioned the said katsou.

''Tell the board, that we have two more drop outs.'' The captain said, that then brought leorio and kurapika's attention.
''Wait what do you me-''How can you talk to a board?!'' i questioned a little confused.
As liana sighed and leorio scolded me for interrupting him.

''Kuro let him finish.'' Liana said with a glare on her face.

''But i want to know!'' i pouted, earning another glare from my best friend.
''Wait what do you mean two more drop outs?'' kurapika continued.
''Oh you didn't notice t-''The hunters exam has already started!'' I interrupted the captain.

''Yes what the little lad said.'' The captain added.
''What!'' Leorio and kurapika said in unison. ''Do we get another chance?'' kurapika asked the captain, as he nodded in response.
''im from the kurta clan, a clan that was massacred six years ago, i'm the only survivor i seek revenge.'' Kurapika spoke up.
As a flash of red appeared in his eyes.

''Are you crazy boy?! do you want to die!'' the captain warned, liana was watching this scene closely, as i yawned...

''I don't fear death, i only fear that my anger will leave me.'' Kurapika added.
As the said boy looked down.

''I want to be a hunter, because of money!'' leorio shouted, dollar bills surrounded him.
I sweat dropped wondering if anyone else was seeing this.

''You can buy a new car, a new house!'' Leorio kept going on, until he got interrupted by kurapika.
''You cant buy class leorio.'' Kurapika said.
''What did you say, thats leorio san to you!'' leorio shouted.
"He said you cant b-'' i got cut off by liana nudging me.. ''Oww!'' i shouted as the two kurapika, and leorio kept argueing.

The argument, was taken too far by leorio. "lets take this outside, i will end the filthy kurta bloodline here and now!'' leorio shouted.
''Take that back leorio!'' Kurapika shouted, as leorio stood beside the door to the deck.
''It's leorio san to you.'' Leorio said in response while exiting the room.
along with kurapika.

Then came in katsou, saying that the ship will sink if it got caught in something.
I wasn't paying attention, im to distracted by my chocolates, until i felt a yank on my arm.

Turning my head to see liana. ''Yeah?'' i questioned while eating the rest of my chocolates.
''Remember lets help gon with pulling the sails.'' Liana said, before objecting to her 'demand,' i was already on the deck.

And now pulling the sails, the wind is literally so strong i think i can fly off the ship!
I wonder what it would feel like to literally fly.....

I was snapped out of my thoughts when i heard a shout.
''Kuro!'' shouted liana. Turning my head to see liana about to fly off the ship.
''Omg liana, hold on there!'' I shouted back, dashing towards my best friend, before i could reach her.
I slipped, face planting the deck.

''Oww!'' i complained while rubbing my face.
'What was so important that i had to do?' i questioned in my mind, then it hit me.. literally a seagull hit my head...

''Im coming liana!'' I shouted while gripping my shouting best friend's hand. But the wind was so strong, sending the both of us, flying to the other side of the deck.

Almost going over board, before i felt someone grip my legs. Still screaming as i squeezed my eyes shut.
I felt someone take me back on the deck, along with liana we both were screaming, until liana stopped.
''Ahhhhh-kuro-Ahhh-kuro!'' liana kept shaking me to reassure everything was alright.

Opening my eyes, as it revealed my smiling best friend, gon, kurapika, and leorio.
''It's ok.'' liana said with a smile, i couldn't help but smile back.

Im glad i have my best friend...


We finally made it to the exam sight, i'm so glad that we made it, this took us literally two days... -_-
''Omg, im gonna meet my snow ball!'' I kept shouting, for the like 20th time in a row.

My heart was skipping a beat as all five of us entered the elevator...
Liana kept glaring at me, making sure i wouldn't say killua's name out loud.

ehehe~ i have a plan, when we enter im going to look for my snow ball!

The doors then opened, my heart raising at an un normal rate.

''Omg,omg,omg!'' i shouted as the five of us exit the elevator i earned a lot of glares and other looks.
Liana then gripped my hand.

''Dont worry kuro, just remember don't do anything reckless.'' Liana said with a smile, i nodded.
"of course!'' I shouted once more, my voice echoing through out the tunnel.
Others covered their ears, as bean approached us. Handing us the tag #'s, 406,and, 407.

To be precise (A/N ehehe~ another vocab word) i had the number 406, and liana had # 407.

i then pinned the # on my shirt.
Tonpa then approached the two of us, wait where did liana go?! i shouted in my mind, as tonpa was now near me.
before he could talk i put my finger in front of his mouth, not too close though, of course.

''Sorry but i really don't want a drink that will harm me, i would rather have chocolates.'' I said as tonpa looked at me shocked.
And others looked at me with an impressed look, some applicants laughed.

With that i walked away, eating my chocolate bar, while sticking pocky sticks in my mouth.
Now to find my snow ball~

Hai it's kawaii kuro here! i hope you readers enjoyed!

QOTC: my question~ do you like chocolate? or Do you like chocolate?
please answer in the comments bye now~~~

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