chapter Eighteen: Kuro

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Hi it's Kuro here! I hope you readers have enjoyed the story so far!

Now on with the story! the photo is the cover of the first sequel!

________________________________Unknown Object_____________________________________________

Picking up a sword, as I held it in my right hand and walked over the wall thing after everyone opened the long path.
"Hey Kuro." Spoke up Gon. "Yes?" I questioned turning my body to the boy, as my sword swung along with me. Almost hitting Leorio.
"Hey watch where you point that thing!" Leorio scolded with an irk mark on his forehead.

"Oh sorry!" I shouted earning more scolds. "Over here." Gon said while pointing towards the correct wall.
"Oh!" I shouted once more with a sweatdrop.
Everyone else sweatdropped also. "Hurry up Baka!" Killua shouted as I nodded. "Ok snow ball!" I shouted swinging my sword to the wall.

'I'm going to get him for calling ma a 'baka'.' I thought to myself with a smirk.


We finally made it to the base of the tower. "My hands are blistered." Kurapika commented. "My butt hurts, I didn't expect a slide to the short and easy path." Killua complained. As Gon, Killua, And Kurapika where the first three to get out.

Second was Liana, Leorio, Then me. "My chocolates!" I shouted gaining everyone's attention.
Now looking towards the person who shouted that, which was me.
Scratching my head in response of all the scolding I got. My voice echoed through the base of the tower.

Liana nudged me in response I whined. Everyone looked back at what they where doing.
Killua came over and plucked my forehead. "Stop being such an idiot, you had me worried." Killua whispered with a blush.

'Why does he always have to be a tsundere?' I questioned In my head with a sweatdrop. I never really figured what the said 'snow ball'
would actually act like if we where in a relationship. And this is how he actually acts, not like the one in the fan fictions, all lovey dovey.

Or anything Like that. -Hmmf- I huffed my cheeks while turning my head, before I felt a hand grab mine. Turning my head to see Killua's smiling face.

I always adored that little face of his. Then the face turned into his cat face. (oWo)
"I have your bag of chocolates." Killua whispered in my ear, before running away from the angry Kuro, yes I'm referring in third person.

"Give them back Snow ball!" I shouted as the said Killua kept on running, dang it why does he get a head start! I pouted while chasing the said boy.
Not watching where I was going, as I Bumped Into someone.
Falling to the ground, on my back, Looking up to see. Illumi, also known as Gittarkur. His face held that weird smiling pin needle face.
"I'm sorry!" I shouted while getting up and bowing, earning a few worried looks from my friends. Killua stopped running as he walked my way.

I felt a hand wrap around my wrist, turning my head to see Killua. "Snow ball~". I said in a sing songy voice, as Gittarkur glared daggers at meh.
I didn't pay any attention as flowers surronded me. Before being yanked away from The area I was left in.
"Stop doing stupid things, it's, well... stupid." Killua whispered in my ear, as I blushed.

Illumi glared daggers at me, before a thought corrupted his mind. He remembers what hisoka has said.
"Don't pay mind of the Four (4) of Spades." Hisoka said while pointing at me. Illumi never felt this about any girls, realizing that the two girls are not ordinary.

Letting 'The Four (4) of Spades' Be with his dear little brother go, as he would have already cut the girls head off.
But an urge stopped him, he admired the way Killua and Kuro interacted with each other. By the way Illumi always said that us assassins have nothing they want. Nothing they need but the urge to kill.

"Stop running of like that." Liana, Leorio, and Kurapika scolded the two couple. Killua and I exchanged looks before laughing.
"You guys are the most cutest couple I have ever seen. " Liana mumbled while looking at the blushing Kuro and Killua .
Something in her heart started to hurt. Liana decided to let go of her crush on Killua and this time focus on Kurapika.

Seeing how happy Killua is with Kuro makes Liana happy, she see's that she wants them to be together.
Killua and I Just smiled.

-OOOO- Skipping Zevil Island

Now It was the fourth and final phase. I already know what will happen to my snow ball.

And of course I am going to get him back! No matter what I always wanted to see the big guard dog Mike.
I wonder if I ever demand anything to him if he will follow the orders...
Probably not. I shook that thought off as the time came for my fight.

I gulped while walking in the center of the room, before walking Killua put his hands on my shoulder.
"Be careful and don't do anything stupid." Liana and Killua said at the same time.
"Of course I will!" I shouted as the two sweatdropped. "You mean of course you won't?" Kurapika questioned, while I scratched the back of my head.

"Yeah, I meant that." I mumbled while walking in the center of the room. Earning worried looks from my friends.
I gave them a thumbs up. The match was me verses the ninja guy, Hanzo.
The whistle was blown, I dashed towards the exit of the arena... just kidding.

I dashed towards hanzo, getting out a bat. "Where did the bat come from?" Gon questioned as everyone sweatdroped.
Honzo, being the ninja he was quickly dodged it, an irk mark on his face.

I then dashed towards Hanzo who then put a hand up. Due to this, I stopped.
Hanzo looked towards the referee, "I don't want to fight someone like this." He walked back towards the sidelines. Earning some confused looks.

'That saves Gon.' I thought to myself while walking back to my friends, as Liana gave me a hug. "That was awesome Kuro!"
Gon shouted as Killua pat my head awkwardly.
"Congrats." Killua mumbled, everyone stared at him.
Then I felt a warm embrace, Kurapika pushed Killua onto me. Making him hug me.

I heard a chuckle from the side, which came from Liana. Killua then started to hug me, as I hugged back.
This felt a little awkward because we had a lot of glances on us.

Soon It was Liana's turn to fight. "Go Liana!" I shouted while holding pum pum's.
Once again everyone wondering where I even got them from. Liana scolded me before turning back to her opponent. Hisoka.
I already know Hisoka is going to forfeit.

"GO LIANA!" I shouted once more, earning more glances and irritated looks. "Go Li-" Getting cut off as Killua covered my mouth.
"Be quite baka." Killua whispered while holding my mouth.
He pulled away after I licked his hand. "Eww." Killua said while rubbing his hand on my shirt. I chuckled.
As Kurapika, Leorio, And Gon smiled at the two. Before tensely looking at Liana's and Hisoka's fight.

The match then started, as soon as the match started Hisoka as expected forfeit.
And whispered in Liana's ear.
Her eye's widened.


I hope you have enjoyed reader chan. Stay tuned the next chapter will come very shortly. -kawaii kuro

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