chapter twenty one;Liana

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Liana's here! :D
So this story is almost to it's end. There will be a sequel. But before we make the sequel we will make a prologue story! :D

"There are ten of you, only one me. How can that be fair?" The voice rang in her head, Liana whipped her head around. Seeing nothing. Hearing nothing, except someone chuckling.


Heaven's arena. 251 floors. And right now, we are starting off each of our first fights.

She looked on as Gon dodged his opponent's punch, and in a quick second, it was over. Gon, in a open palmed jab, smash, punch, whichever you wanted to call it, made the man fly backwards. Winning the fight.

Kuro waved at Gon excitedly before turning to Killua, "Hey, hey Killua." She said. He nodded his acknowledgment, still looking at Gon. "Do you have any chocolate with you?!" She nearly shouted, Liana covered her ears, giving apologetic looks at everyone who looked their way.

Killua waved her off, "Go away." He mumbled.

"You didn't answer my question!" Kuro shouted again, still having a big grin smacked onto her face. As she was leaning over Killua.

Liana grabbed the hem of Kuro's shirt and made her sit back down, earning a whine from Kuro. "Shut up." She whispered harshly into Kuro's ear. "Look around you."

At that she did so. Looking around she saw the quiet stares of many people, a couple glared. "Eek!" Kuro said, jumping slightly as the person sitting behind her kicked her chair.

"Told you." Liana sighed, letting go of her shirt. She looked back at Gon, "Seems he's going to level 50 now." As Gon walked back up to us Liana gave him a high five. Kuro pounced on him, "Yay! Gon!" She said excitedly.

"Hey, it's my turn now." Killua complained at the attention he was getting, which was none. Kuro laughed, "Yeah yeah, do good!" Killua sweat dropped before turning back around and walking down to the small plat form.

Extremely quickly he did a karate chop to the back of the man's neck. And he then was swiftly walking back. Kuro did a loud cheer, "Yay!" She shouted, before hugging Killua too.

"Hmph, that was easy," Killua said, "Everyone here is so weak."

This time Liana smiled, "Haha, well, Kuro it's your turn." She motioned to Kuro who then pouted.

"What!? Why not you!" She said, pointing. Liana sighed, "Do you want me to go first?" Kuro nodded enthusiastically, "Well too bad, you're going first." And with that, Liana pushed Kuro down the stairs. "Ow!" Was the reply. Liana chuckled lightly.

"You didn't have to do that you know." Liana turned around to see Killua, his eyes were dangerous. And due to the challenge she saw within his eyes, she responded with the same look.

"That wouldn't have hurt her." She put up a hand, "She's about to fight, and she has done that to me before, there's no reason to worry." Liana smiled, "It's just stairs right?"

Without changing the challenge in either of their eyes Killua said, "Yeah but, I am her boyfriend-" At this Liana's eyes darkened even more.

"And I am her best friend. I have known her for far longer than you." And after a pause she said, "You've only known each other for... what? A week or two? How do I know you aren't just playing around with her?" Even though she knew that Killua wouldn't do that, she said it anyways.

Killua blushed slightly, "I don't know what you are talking about. I would never hurt Kuro."

Liana sighed, "You have no idea." With that she sat back down. Killua was still standing up, "What do you mean?' He demanded.

"Oh, something." Oh, nothing. She had no idea what she was saying herself. But due to the fact that she will never allow herself to lose in an argument, she wouldn't mind lying.

With that Killua silently sat back down.

Kuro wasn't smiling when she faced off against her opponent. Kuro hasn't truly fought before, and neither has Liana really. Except for that time in the trick tower. So of course they both won't be playing around.


And with that the fight had begun for Kuro, she started with circling around her opponent for a few seconds before trying what Gon did. Just to grit her teeth as pain shot up her arm. Seems she wasn't nearly as strong.

Liana's hands automatically went to her pocket to feel the gun and whip she had with her. Maybe Kuro had a weapon too.

But, being unexpected as she is, she jumped up and grabbed the man's hair, before kicking him in the crotch. "Ouch." Mumbled Killua. Gon just scratched the back of his head. Why does he do that?

Kuro walked back with a huge grin on her face, she hit Liana's back. "Your turn!" She gleefully said.

Liana just sighed, this might be a problem without her weapons. Wait, she just remembered her strong suit. Her legs.

She now knows how to defeat everyone from the upper levels, not level 200... But...

She was now standing on the plat form, "Ready? Begin!" Was the referee's shout.

In a quick session Liana evaluated her opponent. He seemed quite muscular, and smug. Though his neck was wide open as he looked down on her. Liana knew exactly what to do.

In a swift movement, she jumped up and kicked him straight in the neck, some saliva came out of the man's mouth. And his eyes rolled to the back of his head when he black out.

She was able to see this because she was so close. Liana now understood Kuro's carefree expression a bit more. She guess they can now both agree on one thing.

This is fun!


Okay, so we are nearing the end here!

If I were to tell you, that you had to go to the hospital because you got a special kind of 'parasite' inside of you that will eat you away from within, what would your reaction be? Realistically speaking.

were in hunter x hunter fangirl edition) )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora