chapter seven: Liana

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Hello~! It is Liana again! Hope you have enjoyed this story so far? I understand not many people like it and have read it but,,, yes, let us hope for the best! I am just going to say: Our usual a day is: 8 Pages = 2 Chapters, Goal = 16 Pages = 4 Chapters.
Unknown Object
Please listen to that when/while reading. Thank you if you follow this simple request of mine. I mean, we write all this for you and spend so much time for you and you don't check out one video meant to make the experience of reading this better?! That's just cruel.

Her eye caught in movement from across the room. "No smokes and flowers here! <3." Said a man. It was Hisoka. Oh Liana was expecting this, but she had just forgotten about it for the moment. Deciding to make a scene, and knowing Kuro would be looking for Killua, she approached Hisoka.

Her light footsteps barely seemed to be registered by others, as she walked by them, their gazes were glued to Hisoka. Liana decided that if, you wanted someone to like you, Killua or Kurapika, you'd have to make a scene of yourself. And as much as she doesn't show it, she does have feelings for both Killua and Kurapika. And she didn't prefer one over the other.

"Konichiwa." Liana says as she picked a flower up, the man that the so-called flower had come from was staring at her with wide, permately, horror-filled emotion. She sighed, when things were animated, everyone looked so damn hot. But, then, when everything was animated, it was hard to feel pity, too. Though she was pretty sure Kuro thought anime was reality. Liana did not. She was always down-to-earth, realistic, while Kuro had her head held high in anime land.

As much as Liana would like to dawdle around as much as Kuro did, she had a role in this friendship of theirs. The be the calm and collected one who could control Kuro at the times that are needed. The same goes for Kuro, she also has a purpose in this friendship of theirs. As Liana tends to be more moody and seemingly 'depressed', Kuro is there to smile and lighten everything up, giving Liana hope.


Which was one thing, she didn't believe in. Or at least, not right at the moment.

Hisoka's clown face held the smile she knew so well on it, looking straight at her. "Oh~, Hello~." His sickening smile almost giving her the shivers, she held them down and mustered a fake face.


That was the word she loved.

"Liana?" Elizabeth looked down at her from the slide, hanging onto the railings in bordem. "Hey, I'm bored..." Elizabeth said, trailing off. She started to sag a little as she looked at all the other kids playing on the field. "I'm more of a gymnastics person, not soccer," She scowled, "Or basketball for that matter."

She yelled that part, looking at our 'friend' Rachel, who was, as predicted, just about to ask Elizabeth if she was going to play basketball with them. Them, as in her and the boys.

Rachel shrugged, yelling something back to Elizabeth that was lost in the wind. Then turning her back and running back to throw the ball back to Jimmy. Whose real name was James. Nicknamed J.J. by my friend Laura. Due to the James, and the Jimmy. Both started with the letter J, she had said, and then that was his name.

Nate, also known as Mr. Thinks-he's-a-superhero, nicknamed by me. He had thought he was superman one day and decided to go on his bike, off a tramp, and fall, then roll in front of a bus, and somehow survive without broken bones. Which he actually did, though he got to miss the first part of school that day, which I think was his real goal. He got to skip the science test. Damn you Nate. And for the rest of the school year that was what I called him. Mr. Superhero.


"-vorite word, Liana?" I had been asked that question by Elizabeth many times before, never giving her an answer. And she asked every day, not saying anything when I said I'd think about it some more. But, on that day, she told her.

"I guess," Elizabeth perked up upon hearing those words, whispering before I could finish my sentence, "You're gonna answer it?" Her whispered words hit a string, she let it be. Giving a little laugh, Liana said, "Yeah, I guess..."

"My favorite word, I would say is,"


I took a step towards Hisoka, leaning forward. "You should know," I started. I dug my heel into the ground to keep myself from falling from anticipation, I knew Hisoka would probably be able to 'taste' my anticipation, but it didn't actually matter. I took a sniff, as if smelling something disgusting, I wrinkled my nose. "I just hate disgusting things." I leaned back, smiling at Hisoka, I could see the sickening grin widen on Hisoka's face.

"So," I continued, looking casually around, as if looking for something. "Can you get rid of it for me?" I motioned my head to an unsuspecting Tonpa, giving a careless twist to my hair. As the pervert Hisoka was, he saw my skirt lift dangerously close to my hip and he then licked his lips, a greedy look entering his gaze. He understood who I meant.

But his next actions surprised me.

"Ripen some fruit for me," Were Hisoka's first words, sounding like a strangled man talking. "And we'll see about that smell." Leaving me deserted and lost for words as he turned around and put a hand in his pocket, the other holding an Ace card.

One thing bothered me.

He didn't call me his ripened fruit. He only...

Wanted me to do it for him.

Okay, so I hope you liked this chapter and listen to the music at the top while reading, it really adds extra 'feels' to it.

were in hunter x hunter fangirl edition) )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora