School Issues

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This is dedicated to SillyKitty0207 for giving me the encouragement to write this 😋

7:54 am

This morning's event led to them missing the bus.
So they had to walk.
Which only made the day worse for both of them because now they had to walk together in awkward silence.
Seeing someone naked and being seen naked can be traumatic for anyone. But Marco was looking forward to the reassuring feeling of him and Jackie's Daily Nod. I don't think he was ready to say "Hi" to her again, and would probably never actually have a real, interesting, and progressive conversation with her.
Oh well.
Luckily they got there just in time at exactly 7:54 and Marco got into position at THE locker of all Nod-iness.
"I don't get why you don't just take the next step of your.. Life goals thingy, I mean you've already said 'Hi' just start a conversation."Star said annoyed.
"You don't understand.."
"Ooohhh Kay.."
Suddenly Jackie skated from around the corner and Marco nodded his usual nod and Jackie grinned and nodded back.
'This is stupid' Thought Star.
From there they went to their classes.
They had 3 of them together and the last class of the day apart.
As they exited their 3rd and last class together for the day and continued to the next separate, Star stopped as she watched a small ginger-headed kid get bullied by some fat, ugly, jock.
She pulled out her wand and aimed it at the fat kid.
But someone grabbed it from her and she looked up to see Marco starring at her with a O_O face that pretty much told her that you probably shouldn't do that.
They looked around for teachers but found their home room teacher that they still haven't found a way to turn back to...a human.. (Or you could just call it in her case a less ugly troll)
Marco explained the situation but the teacher didn't really do anything, as she never really does, but it was worth a try.
They then went back to check on the victim but instead found him sitting in the hallway, alone, and there were tear marks on his face only slightly visible due to his cracked glasses.
Star tried her best to heal him and fix his glasses but we both know she is REALLY bad at magic. She managed to fix the glasses but.. Heal him? Not so much.
Because of the situation at hand they forgot that they had to go to class, and by the time they got there they had missed almost 20 minutes if it. Each earning after school detention the next day.
==Bus Ride Home==
Marco knew to NEVER even MENTION the thing that happened this morning buutt... He couldn't exactly forget it.
'DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE'   Cringe worthy thoughts were excruciating.
"Hey Marco, Nacho Night?!" Asked Star
At least she's starting to get over this morning. Unlike him.
"Yeah sure." He replied smiling.. Oh sorry correction, a forced smile.
When they got home Marco's parents were still out. Dad at work, and Mom.. Well he knew it was the end of her shift SOO.. Where exactly was she?
Well that's a thought, isn't it.
Marco went back out in the living room to see Star just sitting on the couch and watching really dumb parody movies.
He set the nachos on the table and sat down to watch and laugh with Star at the movie's stupidity.
As a witness to this I just sat and watched and waited for something romantic to happen.
That's when Star fell asleep after a while and her head rested on...
The armrest of the couch. 😑
Whelp there goes my evening
I am mentally cursing the universe right now.
Okay.. Okay.. fine I'll stop teasing
But I'm trying to think of ways to write it without it sounding
No but seriously I hate it when I'm reading a ship fanfiction and there is pointless illogical kissing scenes and I'm cringing so much I'll explode
And if you were wondering it's told from my POV, kind of like how the Grim Reaper just watches everyone in the The Book Theif.
Thanks for reading.

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