Closed Gun

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School was on lockdown.
Everyone was escorted to a classroom and the doors were shut and the blinds closed.
A few students remembered practicing this in elementry school.
After the police were called to the school, footsteps could be heard racing past classrooms, and after a long time, someone knocked on his classroom's door.
"All clear" it said. It was a police officer, though no one knew for sure. Marco wondered if they had actually found any weapon.
The teacher rose from behind her desk and looked through the little window in the door, mutters were shared, and the door opened. It was a genuine police officer, it could have been the shooter in disguise.
Everyone was sent back to their usual routine as if nothing happened, and the buses came and everyone went home. None of the students were told a thing but rumors were spread anyway.

"Hey didn't that scream sound girlish to you?" Peopled whispered in the bus.

"Would the student body president even do something like that? It could have been someone else though.."
The whispers were stifling.

He talked to Fredrick for a while.
"Hey, who do think did it, Marco?"
"I dont know, really could've been anyone.."

The adult of the school were trying to act as if nothing happened.
As Marco closed the door behind him to his house, his mother came out of nowhere and squeezed him in a tight hug.
"Oh my! Are you okay? We heard about what happened!"
"Uhh.. Yeah, Im fine." He shrugged.
"Tell us what happened." Mr. Diaz peeped his head from around the corner.
So, about 11 minutes later, as Marco finished up the story and his parents stopped looking at him in shock, he told them he had homework to do and went upstairs.

As he proceeded to do his science homework he was forced to remember what happened in class.

Which was very difficult considering all the audacious events that happened during the day.

'Okay so..I can use this because..? Their really similar?'

He glanced around his room already slightly frustrated with this.. Star's wand was still on his dresser.

He forced his eyes onto his homework in a attempt to forget how guilty he felt.

Would Star even accept him if he really did find a way back to Mewni?

Thinking this way, trying to find her again felt pointless.
He's not some knight in shining armor, and in this case, the princess might not even want to be saved.

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