Everything is Wrong

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{WARNING} Depressing Chapter + Swearing

It was so warm.
Shouldn't it be the opposite? This is suppose to be depressing.
If this place doesn't ever get snow, it doesn't get rain either does it?
There are people everywhere. It might be the residents of every dimension me and Star had ever been to. Even my parents are here.
Why did this happen? How did it happen?
Everyone around has such fancy black clothing on.
I've never seen Star cry before.

The King and Queen of Mewny are gone.
That the most straight-forward way it can be said.
The butler had called to break the new's to the new heir to the thrown and also called to tell her that she had to leave earth. She'd have to become queen, find a King, and start a new stressful life altogether.
Leaving Marco and his family behind in the process.
Of course Star didn't want to leave.
No of course she didn't.
But she knew she had too.
Marco had been standing outside Star's room for almost 15 minutes not saying anything. Of course he wasn't stalking her or ease-dropping, he was just worried and didn't really know what to say.
"...yes Marco..?" Star whispered as she wiped the tears from her face.
Are you okay? Is what he would've asked like any other normal person but it's a stupid, pointless, and cliched question that didn't need to be asked. Why would she be okay? Both her parents just died.
"You want some nachos?" Did he seriously just ask that? At a time like this? Marco almost facepalmed.
Star thought about it for a while. She actually did want nachos, it was like cold icecream to numb the pain of a break up, but instead to her it was steaming nachos to burn away the depressing thoughts.
"..Yes, I would actually"
Okay then, it's settled. Marco quickly goes downstairs to make the greatest batch of nachos he's ever made in his life.
About 10 minutes later he goes back upstairs with the perfect nachos and knocks on the door.
Yes, knocks, he's learned his lesson from the last experience.
Marco feels like drop-kicking himself for thinking of something like that at a time like this.
Star opens the door in her nightgown and warm socks, but even though she wiped her face until Marco had knocked on the door, tear marks were still evident on her face.
"Thank you" Star said quietly as she forced a sad face contortion you could call a smile.
"No problemo!" Marco said enthusiastically and smiled. Yeah.. The whole "cheer Star up" plan he evaluated downstairs wasn't working out.
"Um.. We need to talk, can you come in?" She asked.
"Ya sure, what's wrong?" Asked Marco as he stepped inside the room. It was so dark. Star and him hadn't gone to school for a few days because of the funeral.
What Star was about to tell Marco was absolutely devastating. Marco didn't know that Star had to leave to become queen soon so.. He'd have to know sometime, might as well be now.
"I have to leave soon." She said bluntly, but not happily.
"Wait, what? Why?!" He was so surprised, also kind of hurt.
"I have to become queen..." She looked away,"in my mothers.. place.."
".. Is there any way around it?" 
"No, I don't think so.." She replied sadly.
"Can you..visit..?" He asked.
That's when Star slowly started crying again. She couldn't take it anymore. Within a matter of days, everything had gone to shit. How is that even possible? Heck she didn't even know herself how her own parents died! Everything is just so wrong. It shouldn't be like this, this isn't how it was suppose to turn out, it.. It-
Marco hugged her. Seeing your best friend cry is a terrible feeling.
She was surprised by the sudden gesture and hugged him back, still was crying, but it made it a little bit better.
For a few moments they just stood like that. Marco was the first to let go, goddamnit  of course he was. 
"I'm sure everything will be okay in the end, it always is." He smiled the best smile he could muster. It was almost as if he could read her mind.
Star was leaving in 2 days.
Everything from here.. Is going to be very bumpy.

Didn't expect it to come out a day early did ya?
This is the writing skills you get from reading to many depressing books.
Btw, I'm thinking of this as I'm writing xD I'm actually surprised it came out so good!
Romance to slow for you? Oh don't worry, the hug is just the beggining.

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