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After this Star was forced to attend Manners, Tea Time, and Elegance classes to train to control the kingdom when she becomes an adult, and was sometimes even given real projects to do that could make or break the palace.
It was so stressful.
And on top of all the manners classes she was still being taught normal academics by a live-in governess.
She barely had any time to solve this so called "Mystery" and as the months past everything became so dull.
Same old, same old.
And she was told she would not see any improvements until the age of 16, when she would get a king. And she's have to make a family.
And though she found children adorable.. That conversation was always awkward.
And no, she was no longer allowed to earn the thrills of fighting monsters and coming out triumphant every time, because Ludo's crew knew that if they dared to ever come near the castle it was lights out for them.
So now.
She was stuck.
Gertrude seemed to always know where she was at all times. How did her parents ever do this 24/7?
Marco didn't visit either, and that was because he couldn't, or he didn't want to.
But one day was all it took, yes, and that was it. One day and all the dullness subsided.
A stout women with a tight brown bun streaked with grey, wearing a long purple bold dress that seemed to bounce behind her, eyes Star carefully.
As Star finished her 2nd quiz for the day the strict Governess strutted (or bounced) toward the blackboard. Her face was lined with deep sagging wrinkles, and her eyes darted in every direction as if every object in the room was about to fly off the handle any second now.
She was by far the worse Governess she's ever had.
"Hurry up! You spoiled royalties, I'm so tired of even bothering to teach the lot of you!" She exclaimed.
Star just looked at her.
"Umm.. Mrs. Magethweic, your hurting me."
When the lady was ranting about her unfortunate life teaching spoiled royalty, she gripped Star shoulder and by the end of her statement, her arm began to go numb.
"Don't back talk me!" She sure was doing a lot of yelling.
"Oh I wanted to inform you, guards are busy today with training and other more important duties then having to deal with you, so no one will be accompanying you between lessons." Said the Governess.
Magethweic eyed her suspiciously, what did she expect her to do? Run off?
Well yeah, because that's exactly what she was going to do.
About 27 feet away from the door she began to run, she didn't know where, just somewhere private.
After running for about 10 minutes she stumbled upon a large circular room she's never seen before.
A large golden chandelier dropped from the ceiling and since it wasn't illuminating anything, the room was grey, only being illuminated by the faint evening light showing through the glass dome that replaced the ceiling. It looked like it was just a large storage room, for it was filled with creepy antique furniture and many of them were covered with cloth.
"Oh! I know!" she searched her pockets but then remembered that they stole her wand,"Darn it.."
Okay well then she'd just have to walk in darkness. A mysterious room is a great place to start to looking for clues, I mean, just how many mysterious rooms are in the castle that are this hidden away and this big?
Probably not a lot.
But when she thought about it, clues could be in the office where Gertrude stays all day long.
All day long.
How was she going to get in undetected? And what about the cameras?
Okay.. That's an idea.
But she doesn't have much time before they realize she's gone.
Let's start in this room anyway, just to be safe. She had a good feeling about this.
It's almost as bad as the time of the month!
I've just been so stressed lately..
I have 2 projects to do this weekend and only 2 days to do it.
One of these projects will mostly likely take 3 days.
School means a lot to me so I have to do it.
Forgive me Senpai

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