Did You Hear?

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-Since I posted that last chapter with Star's chain of events, and I'm posting this chapter with Marco's, both she and Marco are now in the same present time
-Wherever I leave either Star and Marco's story is where I'm going to pick up again each week
Marco threw the BBQ chips on the table, and slammed the applesauce next to them.
He slumped in his chair and leaned his head on the heel of his palm.
His eyes darted between the two snack choices but he was tired of thinking so much so he slipped on a #YOLO expression and ate the chips and applesauce at the same time.
Surprisingly, it was delicious.
He'd been at it for days, and was getting a little irritated. It was like some kind of cruel riddle.
Loophole.. Loophole.. I only need one..
What's truly humorous is that the very answer he was so desperately looking for was discovered in science class that very day:
"Okay class.." Mr. Canterbury sighed,"go to page I think..804.."
Callie raised her hand. "Sir, I'm pretty sure it's page 49-"
As she tried to give this valuable information she was interrupted with,"So when you get there look at the board everyone."

40 Minutes Later...
"What do you want Tobias?" The teacher said annoyed.
"I really don't understand, using two different ingredients could make everything explode!"
"Look,  these two types of molecules are almost exactly the same, so yeah, its possible. You can just use this one," he slammed his ruler against the board pointing at the drawings, "if the other were to fail."

The school had been trying to find more interesting dismissal sounds instead of the traditional 'Ring-Ring!' everyone guessed.

"Class dismissed..." Mr. Canterbury sighed.
As they exited class Tobias passed Marco with a weak expression. He looked like a kicked puppy.
Whenever anyone would ask a question in that science class Mr. Canterbury would always have a attitude that would just make the asker feel retarded. And his voice gave off the 'Really? What kind of dumb question is that? Are you stupid?' vibe, adding his annoyed sighs at the start and end.
Tobias didn't say a word to Marco, just continued packing his things.
It was then he realized that Tobias was that kid that he and Star found in the hallway that day after he was attacked by those bullies.
How could he have already forgotten?

As Tobias walked out the door Marco couldn't help but stare.

'Is he that unmemorable?'

Marco put his no longer needed books in his locker and moved on to his last class. In the halls is when he saw Jackie talking to a few people in the hallway, people she wouldn't usually talk to.

Instead of love all she reminded him of was Star for some reason-

"Hellooo-! This is your student president speaking! Hehe..*Nervous Laughter*.. Im sorry to inform all of you but uhh.. schools being closed early. Really sorry to possibly.. ruin your day."  After the announcement your could hear faint enthusiastic cheering as the mic cut out.

Why? Suddenly a evidently aggravated voice filled the air. "I sincerely apoligize for bothering all the student body. No, school is not being dismissed early, false alarm everyo-" *Static*  *Ear-piercing screech* *Screaming*

At this moment everything stopped moving. Just in that short instant.

Everyone stopped dead in the hallway.

Thats when the janitor came running down the hallway about...a gun.

Going Through The Motions||StarcoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon