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They must have been total retards, putting two capable people in one cell.
Star was untied, and there was embracing.
Neither of them could stop saying sorry, Marco apologizing for not believing her and leaving her here, Star sorry for dragging him into all this.
Honestly, they kind of just sat there for a few minutes, thankful to see the other person.
After a while, Star got up, again determined to get out of here.
"Any ideas?" She asked dumbfounded.
"Well.. We don't have a blowtorch.. But, I managed to get this." Pulling out a set of keys, he looked at her triumphantly.
"Marco! Where did you get that?"
"Well a while ago, I bumped into the guards and grabbed it, they didn't even notice i-!"
"Open up the lock, hurry..!"
He got up slowly, she just ignored his thunder. Turning the lock, the cell popped open.
"Ready-?" Looking behind him at Star, he noticed the dead body in the corner, watching them.
He shrieked and fell on the floor, in shock.
Star would have laughed at his girlish scream if she didn't know the reason for it, but she did.
"Is that a-?"
"Uhh.. Yeah.."
He stood up slightly embarrassed,"Star, is that what wouldve happened to us if we couldnt find a way out..?!"
"That. Or you know.. Execution, or something." She looked at the floor.
"Did you know they were doing this?"
"Lets uhh..", He turned around ready to leave the gory place,"Lets go, Star.."
They actually didnt speak for a while because of either what had just happened, or the long steep spiral staircase.
What were going to do once they reached the top? They never gave that much thought.
The two stood at the top of the stairs for a moment, thoughts identical, they settled upon stealth.
Crouching forward, a thought settled upon her. Marco didn't know about Hart Butterfly.
Star pulled him back towards the stairs.
"Oh, I just remembered. Marco," she whispered,"I have an elder sister."
"Her name is Hart Butterfly and.." Star hesitated for moment.
"My butler.. And my mom are her parents.."
Remembering all of that so suddenly.. She felt like she wanted to puke again.
"....." He looked at her and stared.
I think in this situation, he was finally allowed to ask such a pointless question.
"Are you okay?"
"I guess so."
He pulled her out of her shocked state by taking her hand and pulling towards the hallways.
"Come on, lets go." He told her,"Lets start thinking a plan." He encouraged,"SoI lost your dimensional scissors and-"
"You WHAT?!"
"Sorry, sorry, but I lost them when I did a hard fall down a hill-"
"Did you not see the hill?! How do you accidentally fall down a hill?"
"When I teleported here, I was on top of a hill, okay!"
"That means we'll have to steal another one from someone."
"None of the guards have one-," Star's eyes widened.
"Oh God."
"What is it, Star?"
"Only Gertrude has another one."
"My butler."
Star led Marco to the devil's study, they ransacked the drawers until they found a simple black pair of scissors.
They had occasionally been stopped in the corridors just to get there, either by taunting footsteps, or the raising of voices nearby.
Star cut a rift into the air, only to be violently thrown back towards the wall behind the roller chair in the center of the room.
A few papers flew into the air, and within seconds Marco was calling her name, trying to shake her awake.
She blinked suddenly, eyes wide, as if she just abruptly woke up from a bad dream.
"I don't think Im allowed to use portals to get away from Mewni." Star whispered bluntly as she coughed up dust.
"Let me try."
Marco cut into the air, flinching as it opened, waiting for impact.
Nothing came.
He let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding.
Helping Star up, about to step through the portal, a voice came from behind them.
It sounded dejected and cold. "That woman didn't want anyone to know about it... Evil bitch.." They did a satisfied sigh,"I tried to convince her, she had just as much a right to be heir as you, Queen Star." Someone whispered.
There was the scraping of metal against wood.
"How could she do such a thing, I wondered. Locking away her own daughter like that. Then you came along and the Queen Moon totally forgot about the girl. Poor Hart."
Then there was the closing of doors and a flash.
Gertrude came at Star with a machete and a dark look on his face. She dodged.
"All I have to do.." He grunted as he came at her again,"Is kill you!"
"Why?!" Star yelled as she moved out of the way again. Marco let go of her so she could dodge and had grabbed the scissors, now using it as a weapon.
Dodging, aiming, grunting from the effort, they went at it until Marco drop-kicked the small man and stabbed him in the arm.
There was blood, and having been pinned to the ground like that, the midgets only choice was the flail his arms in the arm, machete in hand.
He nipped the boy's neck and cut his cheek in the process.
Finally he stopped.
"I want her to be known as a proud daughter as royalty.. They treat her like an abomination.." He said exasperatedly.
Marco looked down at him and stared, furrowed his eyebrows and searched for any signs of lying in the broken man's eyes.
Finally he sighed and got up, brushing himself off.
"Star Butterfly is officially dead, she died from a freak accident after committing suicide." Star said from the corner of the room. That crash from the wall still was painful, making it hard for her to talk, she wheezed.
"There. Now you can leave us alone." She stated finally.

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