Deep Down Under.

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Star had finally escaped!
Her Manners classes I mean.
By now the Stout Witch had probably already alerted the guards, nobody takes a poop for that long, and now everyone's on a Man-Hunt.
The gigantic ballroom-sized room Star had stumbled upon must be the root to all the rumors of the "Dark Side of the Palace"
It was in the middle of the day so you could see sunlight through the large glass dome that replaced the roof. The chandelier hung limply from it.
There were piles and piles of dangerous looking books littering the floor and covering the bookshelves that replaced the walls. This must have been a library.
After shuffling around for a bit she found a audacious looking document.
She picked up the document that said"Bi th Ce ti icate" but was glossed over with "This is H reti against the Beli f of The P la". At least that's all she could make out. In more recent red ink though, the paper screamed, "FORBIDDEN"
Despite all these warnings and accusations, she tore open the plastic that restricted the, she guessed, Important document, and read over whatever text that was left still legible.

Birth Certificate:
Full Name: Hart Butterfly
Date of Birth: June 21st, 1998
Birth Place: Mewny National Hospital
Time of Birth: 12:00pm
Mother: Moon Butterfly Father: Gertrude Fratzilhiger

'Wait what?'
'Moon Butterfly?'
Her eyes widened in horror as she realized.
'Birth certificate?'
Her mother's name was Moon Butterfly. The Top Butler's name was Gertrude.
The FUCK?!!?!?
Who is Hart Butterfly?
Star has a sister?
1998? Hart is 2 years older then her.
So many words rushed into her mind. Affair, New Heir, Murder, Death, Butler, Why?, Jealousy, and finally, Secrets.
Why would they hide this from her? Having a older sister would make her not have to become queen.
But wait. Let's think of this logically.
This older sister is only her half sister, through her mother, and having a child born from the queen not by the King is, she guessed, disgraceful. Embarrassing? If that's the case, then did they lock her up and hide her?
Though she read the document about 2 minutes ago, she's been only paying attention to Hart, but now she felt full force of her world crashing down on her. Her mother.. Was unfaithful.
'Did she even love dad at all?'
Had Mom always had feeling for the Butler to the point where she would.. Where she would...
Star shivered.
Thinking of Gertrude again, had he always had feelings for mom?
But all this still doesn't give Gertrude a motive, or does it-
"YOU!" A infuriated voice boomed.
On instinct, she stuffed the paper in the deep pocket of her dress and looked innocently at the fresh intruder.
Though by the time she did that the figure was halfway across the room, their feet stomped loudly against the wood.
Glancing back for a moment Star finally saw it, a baby crib. He face faltered a bit and by the time she turned around the person was staring her straight in the eye, this person was taller then her. It was the Stout Witch.
'At least it's not Gertrude..' She said to herself.

Going Through The Motions||StarcoΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα