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Upon waking up it was dark.
Dark, cold, and... Smelly
Like a swamp.
She must be in the dungeons.
Glancing around her, the things she saw only established the last fact or added upon it.
1. Poison Ivy grew from the cobblestone that was the floor. She was in the dungeons.
2. There were guards outside the bars that was her cell, the light of a spiral staircase beckoned her. She was in the dungeons, but she wasn't at top security.

They underestimated her chances of escape.

She must have been right about the fact that the cameras saw her.
In frustration and desperation over the desire to leave as soon as possible, she jumped at the possible chance of finding a way out.
Which supposedly was last night in Gertrude's office.
Was it even last night? Or a few days ago?
Unconsciously sitting under the moon in the garden, she automatically thought:
'There must be something in his office'
Guess this was her consequence that she didn't give a second thought to at first.
What would they do to her? Interrogate her again? Torture her?
She really had to get out of here.
Oh yeah, one more thing.
3. They didn't tie her mouth or feet to the chair she sat upon.
Wow, they must really be stupid.
Of course this wasn't Star's first thought, it was mine as I looked upon her situation.
But she wiggled her toes, scooting closer to the bars by jerking her butt at the same time, only using her toes to stable herself.
She was still in her pajamas.
How long had she been down here again?
By slightly turning her stiff neck to look at her fingers, she could see a frost bite coming on.
She must have been down here for hours.
She was going to freeze to death in a few more.
Shouts and commands of soldiers wrung through the air, and she could hear stone against chain-metal armor as she watched the guards at the stairwell run off.
What was happening outside..?
She didn't have time to question it.
The guards were gone and so she jerked as hard as she could, sending the chair restricting her to the floor in a hard fall against the hard, cold, stone. Taking her with it.
The pressure against her arm and the floor was unbearable.
Immediately her hands worked to untie herself, she had watched an escape artist do this on TV as she and the Diaz family watched TV one late afternoon.
A loose thread.
A grab.
A pull.
A twist.
A sigh of frustration.
This wasn't working.
One more time..
There was no loose thread now.
She was stuck. And this position was painful, with the ice cold cobblestone against her numb shoulder and arm.
How long would she have to stay like this?
And what was this red stuff on the floor?
She couldnt move her head but in her new position she saw a black silhouette crumpled on the ground like a rag doll thrown there. It didnt move or speak.
It wasnt even breathing.
She didnt move. Couldnt even think, wasn't even breathing.
A scream sat in her throat and tears filled her eyes. What had they done to this person.
Oh god, how long were they stuck down here?
How did they die? Would she end up like that?!
'Yes. When you freeze to death..' Said a voice. It couldn't be anymore truthful.
Barely could she hear that small voice in her head that told her 'No your not, your going to be fine..'
Her head was pounding to much.
She was scared. But she had to be brave.
Okay, where were these thoughts coming from?
Someone called her name.
It was almost like a giant hug to her in this moment.
They sounded so desperate to find her.
He tried again.
"Star! Where are you?!"
His voice didnt actually go that far, he mightve just either screamed that in his head, or barely whispered it out loud. His voice was hoarse, and he was so tired.
They had caught him after about 2 hours of stealth, hes pretty sure his parents were wondering back on Earth where the hell he was.
Maybe they'd punish him for doing something this stupid.
What was he thinking anyway?
Coming here so unprepared and without a defense?
Mission: Catching Meteor.
Hello readers, your "Background Info You Need to Know to Read Further" here. Just so you know, a shooting star is just a crashing meteor that missed earth. If he catches the supposed "star", he can bring it toward Earth. HAHAHAH PUNS!
Attempt #1 at Mission: Failure
He had to get outta here.
A short chubby man watched as he was walked towards the dungeons without a word.
Wait, wasn't he that guy in the Mirror that told Star the horrible news?
Hes the Butler she had told him about.
He was the person she had told Marco she was suspicious of that night of the ball.
"Hey..!" Nope, that was just in his head.
He tried again.
"Wheres Star?!" He yelled.
He didn't reply.
"Where is she you bastard?!"
The chubby man screwed up his face at the unpleasant insult. Or, he was just disgusted with Marco's presence in general.
"I have a question for you, young boy, how did you get here?" The small man questioned. He had a bored look on his face, and the guards stopped dragging Marco to the door so he could answer his question.
"Like Id ever tell you-"
"Do you really want to know where the trash is?" He interrupted.
Marco didn't even say anything to the stupid question, just glared at the short man, waiting for him to tell him.
"Go ahead." the Butler said, waving a hand,"Show the boy where she is.."
Marco didn't like this.
The way he said it.
How easy he made it.
Nonetheless, the guards began pulling him again.
Up a few halls.
Down a few steps.
This time to a deep spiral staircase, looking as if it was bottomless.
'Oh.' Thought Marco,'I knew it.'
The smell of swamp water and wet plants filled his nose as the cold almost knocked him over.
At least they haven't killed her.
In one last attempt at.. Anything, to be honest, Marco slammed himself into a guard.
A very sudden movement, which resulted in stumbling, angry grunts, and shoving.
He also got kicked in the groin.
It was worth it though.
For many more reasons then one..
Dont take the last 3 sentences as weird.
Actually, just ignore them.
They have a significant purpose for the future, JUST YOU WATCH!

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