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WARNING: Long Chapter

3 Weeks Later

It was beautiful.
Even though there wasn't a lot of snow considering that we're in Arizona. But this winter the temperature there was at a record breaking low.
But of course Star didn't know what this powdery white substance was, being from Mewny, so she was much more excited then usual. Marco tried his best to explain it but failed miserably. It went something like this:
"Oh my GOOOSSHHH!! Marco what is this?!" Star yelled at she let the snow seep in between her fingers, her long bright blonde hair blinding against the fresh winter snow.
"Its this thing called snow.. It comes every year during Winter. But only if it's cold enough." He answered amused.
"What's winter?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like when it's cold outside, like now."
"But why does winter come every year?"
"Uumm...I don't know.." Though I'm pretty sure I learned about this in the 4th grade or something... He thought.
If you didn't know the seasons occur because throughout the year the earth rotates and depending on how the sun is shining on your part of earth will give you your seasons... You probably don't care though do you? ON WITH THE STORY.
By now Star had already covered herself in the snow by throwing it up in the air and letting it fall back on top of her. She was shivering to death and Marco decided it was about time to go back inside. Neither of them slept very well last night because of staying up late with their usual weekly Nacho Baffets, falling asleep on the couch in uncomfortable positions, and waking up early in the morning after squinting open their eyes and immediately becoming sober after seeing the snow out the window. They quickly leapt up that morning and got ready to go outside after asking for permission and had been out there for quite a while.
When they went back inside they sat on the couch, watched Tv for a while, warmed up, and got ready to go outside again with new intentions of building snowmen and having snowball fights.
Marco explained the very simple basics of a snowball fight and they were off.
Have you been wondering where Ludo was?
I have too.

They first began making make-shift forts and stocking up on snowballs. Star was the first to pelt a abnormally large snowball, putting all of her strength into it.

I think she was using magic and cheating.

But it took a while for Marco to catch on, and started pelting his own snowballs at her and got in a few hits. Thats when she ran off.

What?  Thought Marco as he watched her go.

What he didn't know was that Star was running to a more secretive spot so she could throw snowballs at him without him knowing her location. She was basically trying to snipe him.

Well thats smart.

She hid in fairly far away bushes before he could catch up to her and actually know where she was hiding, leading him to try and look for her.  Mistake #1.

Marco had his back to her and it seemed more difficult for him to find her because of her camouflage hair. How amusing. It was funny to watch.

As Marco looked in the bushes directly opposite of her. She threw a snowball and moved to a different hiding spot so he couldn't trace where the ball had come from in the first place.

Unfortunately she conveniently found a dying rose bush and hid in it without knowing the thorns were even there. They stuck her practically everywhere, except her face luckily because she had her head sticking out of the bushes.

OW! she screamed. Of course this gave up her hiding spot easily.

She quickly moved away from the bush and starred up to see Marco smirking and suddenly he hit her square in the face with a snowball.

We all know who won THAT round.

He helped her up and she brushed herself off.

Man her hands are really soft. I could hear him think.

0//^//0 I think Im just going to blame puberty.

"That was more fun then I thought it would be!" Marco exclaimed.

"Yeah it was fun, but at least you didn't get stuck to death by a rose bush." She replied annoyed. But you could tell she really wanted to smile. That was her first time playing a game like that.

Marco chuckled. "Well now we can build a sno-" But he was cut off.

An ugly miniature goblin thing and a bunch of other indescribable monsters stepped out of a portal and looked at the two with hatred. But everyone but the goblin looked slightly.. hmm.. doubtful?

Maybe they already knew they're going to fail. Again. Like always.
Of course you can probably guess the goblin was Ludo and his idiotic gang of worthless monsters. Star and Marco got in fighting position (Star in her own version of it). And fought like they usually would.
The only thing that made it so much better was the hilarious look of confusion on the creatures' faces when they realized they were walking on some kind of possibly poisonous white substance that the earth slipped on like a sweater.
They were from a world of fire and heat. They didn't really understand this new feeling of being cold. The distraction made their fighting even worse then usual (If you can believe that's even possible).
They were not victorious. They each took turns stepping through the portal shivering.
That's when Star slipped on the ice.
She was caught by Marco before she could hit her behind fatally hard on the frozen ice.
Maybe it wasn't  the fact they were physically touching that made them blush, but the way that they were touching.
Marco had grabbed her from behind and wrapped one of his arms around her waist and held her shoulders with the other.
My day just got so much better.
Even though Marco wasn't the fastest at detecting cheaters, he was definitely the first to start blushing.
He let go immediately and Star then started blushing and looking everywhere but him.
They tried their best to act normal and went back inside and prayed that the other would soon forget about the incident.
But that's when Star's Palace Head Butler called and the what happened next would change their lives forever.

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