Marco's Side of Earth

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Have you been wondering what happened to Marco?
Yeah, me too.
Marco actually did think of hiding there until all the other guest went home and most employees went.. Well wherever they went at the end of everyday unless they were live-in servants and guards.
But when he tried to be sneaky about it, eventually guards began to get suspicious and he was one of the last people to go home, he didn't see Star for the rest of the night after the incident in the corridor.
When he got home that morning at 2am he didn't sleep. Not one bit.
His mind was occupied with Star, guilt, shame, and what Star had been talking about.
The supposed "Mystery" and how fishy everyone in the palace was acting.
Maybe she was right, but he wasn't sure.
His parents saw how unhappy he was after she left and would try and do things for him.
Examples? Examples:
-Awesome Food
-Random Cake
-Hugs (At least attempts)
-Kisses (They couldn't even get near his face for that one)
But slowly he just started pushing them away.
His grades were going downhill, but not fast enough to cause a natural disaster, they were slow enough to where he didn't even know what hit him.
He missed her so much, and it might sound sappy and stuff, but it was true.
Whether it was as a friend or something more.. Well, he couldn't admit it to himself even if he did love her.
At least not yet.
Speaking of subjects relating to love, Jackie slipped from his mind most of the time and unconsciously when they would work in groups on projects or she simply asked for a pencil, he wouldn't flush and freak out like he used to, he would just give her a pencil and continue doing whatever he was doing or would keep it together so they could work on projects as partners.
It wasn't challenging to talk to her anymore, it made it so much easier.
And what about Marco's two best friends?
They noticed the change, they weren't total retards.
Ferguson of course was his normal weird-self and would try to start conversations, at times it would work but he'd just smile and seem like he was barely involved in the conversation.
'I probably shouldn't let this effect me so much..' he sighed.
Eventually he started to imagine that he was irritating the people around him.
But really he want irritating them, but worrying them profoundly.
He actually started finding ways to blame himself for Stars departure, but could he really?
Whenever he would think about her he would glance at the dimensional scissors on his dresser.
He decided it was about time he tried to use them. So he sat up in bed and reluctantly began to cut a hole through the air, already having in mind where he wanted to go. As he stepped through the portal a shimmering barrier  seemed to cover the pathway to fully reach Mewny.
"We're sorry, but inter-dimensional travel to this specific dimension from the 'Earth' dimension is not authorized by any authority figure. We will be sending you back." And with that he was thrown back onto his bedroom floor in shock.
Why would she give him scissors that didn't work, to make him feel even worse for not believing her?
The Star he knew was forgiving, and could never keep grudges. And she may be mad at him, but she would never give him a form of reminder to make him feel awful for what he did in the long run. Forgive and forget right?
But maybe she gave it to him for a real reason then that.
Maybe she found the loop hole and he would just have to find it and use it to get to her, but what would he do even if he got to her?
Visit occasionally?
I don't think they'll be letting him in occasionally whenever he wants them to.
But at least let him see her one more time so that he could apologize and help her. She might be in serious danger if what she said was true.
Gertrude might be after Star, he had to something.

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