Faces and Goodnights

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Maybe that really wasn't the best option.
You know, leaving like that.
The good news was, after confirming the supposed Queen's "death", Star grabbed her wand.
Looking back at Gertrude was a mistake. His face..
She wouldn't ever forget it.
Confusion, regret, the overtaking of sadness. But in realization at what he just heard, he gave off a smile.
Not one of positivity.
At least to Star it wasn't.
Her mother had lied to her.
Good doesn't always win.
That man took everything from her.
Her family. Her 'life'. She had friends in Mewny, now they all thought she was deceased.
What if that claim spread across the galaxy? Could she not travel to other dimensions anymore?
Star didn't think her decision through.

The shouts and calls of royal guards was the last thing she heard before her new life engulfed her.

"Why.. Did you do that?"

Marco sat on his bed, eyeing Star in anger and gratitude. His sweater torn in places, and he still smelt like swamp.

"So he would leave us alone."
"Now he won't try to kill us."
"I know, but what about all your friends. What about everyone. If your spotted after your 'death' then people are gonna wonder why."
Star didn't say anything.
"I know..I'm.. sorry.." Her voice was cracking.
She was holding back some tears.
"You know what! It'll probably be fine." Marco tried to lighten his voice at the situation.
"No. You're right." Star hung her head,"What if I made a really bad choice?.."
"But the good news is, now that everyone thinks your dead, Ludo won't bother you."
Star looked up at him, eyes glossy from the incoming tears,"But.. Thats boring.." A childish whine laced her voice, she pouted.
Marco laughed, and had to hold his stomach after imaging the small goblin's reaction to the news.
Star couldn't help but give off a smile.
But his laughter was soon silenced by a hug.
"Thank you, Marco." And he hugged her back.
The one thing he didn't know was that his parents were outside his door.
Then there was the sound of a door opening.
And a two pairs of eyes, piercing ones.
Marco braced for impact. But this time, they weren't yelling.
"Son, where have you been?" His father asked.
"Well I.."
Gosh, where should he even start.
"I was saving a country."
They glanced at the state of Star's clothes.
A ripped up gown.
"Mewny?" His mother questioned.
A ring went off from downstairs.
"Dinner Time!" The Diaz's yelled in unison.
"Okay." And they all trudged down the stairs with smiles on their faces, trying not to worry about tomorrow's future.
And neither of them would ever forget this very special day. What they didn't know, was that they would make a joke out this day for their whole lives.
It was Star's Death Day.
"Oh and hijo.. You do know you have to tell us what happened later right?" His father asked him the taunting question blankly.

And Marco almost fainted.

What they didn't even realize the next day would be Star's Birthday.

                       The END

Star looked at the small boy in front of him.
"Yup, sure is!" Star gave off a cheery grin.
"I could've sworn there was more to that story, Star!" Marco cried from the other room.
"I'm tired! Iv'e been telling this story for hours!" But her son wasn't fazed at the desperate comment. She continued to try to persuade the boy."Goodnight." Never mind, persuasion was out the window.
"Mom! Please!"
"No, and what probably took so long for me to tell it was because of you interrupting me so much." Star sighed.
"Sorry. But some parts were funny.." He shifted uncomfortably, looking back up from the carpet floor in their living room, he saw that his mother was gone.
"Goodnight to you too Mom.."

Happy Christmas to all, And to all a goodnight..


But the problem was, Star did know what happened after they left that forsaken place, but theres no way in hell he was ever telling this side of the story to his innocent young son.

Back in Mewni after the portal closed in the poor broken butler's face, he actually went insane, as they were informed through PonyHead. Though PonyHead was the only one they ever entrusted to tell about Star's fake death, swearing her to secrecy.

It turns out, the butler was found sitting on that floor not long after the left. About 3 minutes after the two teenager's departure, what the guards discovered was disturbing.

It seems in those three small minutes, he had severed his own hand, deeply sliced his wrist and refused to leave the office.

No body knew why this happened. But at least Gertrude wasn't the only one that knew about Hart, and easily, the new Queen was found.

Only thing was, she was found dead. She had committed suicide.

It seems she couldn't possibly survive the consequential life she was provided with at birth.

In her cell, small holes were found in the walls, as if for all her years there, she made small attempts to escape. But it seems one of the holes had a type of sharp, deep line in it, leaving the imprint of a pulled out nail.

It was everyone's guess that she had stabbed herself in the head with a nail and bled out.

There was no funeral for Hart, but when the news that the whole 'official' royal family had passed away spread, the country went into chaos.

The duty of the royal family was passed on to the wealthiest family closest to the kingdom, though they ruled in tyranny and by unjust means.

Eventually tides became to high, and Mewni broke into civil war.

There were those who supported the royal family, who wanted to silence any type of disagreement and put on false peace, but then there were those who wanted justice and honesty and for all opinions to be accepted.

As everything that ever once was Mewni began to tumble down, so did the people's hearts, and those who had to courage, fled in fear of their lives.

Mewni finally perished.

And after 10 years of leaving, Star came through a small portal, and looked over the barren hills that used to be her home.

But now she had a home.

Its was Earth. And Marco.

She bent onto her knees and cried tears of joy and despair.

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