Chapter 2

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Niall's P.O.V

BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. I slowly open my eyes and an agonizing pain soars through my body. I look around and realize I'm in a hospital and the actions of last night come flooding back. I press the nurse button over and over until a middle aged nurse comes rushing in the room. I try to talk but my throat is burning.

"It's okay love, take a drink of water." She handed me a little cup and I chugged it down within seconds.

"Where are they?" Was the first thing out of my mouth.

"Where's who hun?" She replied.

"The boys I was with! WHERE ARE THEY? ARE THEY OKAY?" I started undoing all the things attached to me from the monitor. The nurse grabbed my shoulders.

"You need to relax, you're not ready to be up and moving around. You're still hurt."

"You don't understand! I need to see them!" I say pushing her hands off me.

"Okay, just lay back down I'll go see where they are." I sighed and rested back against the hospital bed. What if one of them didn't make it? Are they okay? I started getting nervous until I heard the door creak open. Liam walked in with Harry following behind him. Liam had a cast over his left shoulder with multiple cuts and bruises lining his face. Harry was on crutches as his right foot was in a cast as well. But where was Louis?

"Niall you're awake! We were so worried." Liam said pulling up a chair next to my bed for Harry to sit and doing the same for him.

"Where's Louis? Is he okay?" I asked looking back and forth between them.

"Lou is fine. He's in his own room like you." Harry responded. I sighed with relief.

"I don't know what I would've done if..." I slowly trailed off. I couldn't imagine my life without one of these guys. Harry and Liam shock their head in agreement.

"We know." Liam commented "us too."

"So what did the nurse say?" Harry asked looking at me.

"Um I don't know...I kinda freaked out on her before she could tell me anything. But let me tell you now that I'm relaxed my whole body is in pain." I winced as a pain shot through my body.

"I'll go get the nurse." Liam said standing up and walking out the door. Moments later the same nurse walked in with Liam trailing behind her.

"I see we calmed down now." The boys laughed and I apologized for my actions earlier.

"They're like my brothers." I smiled and Harry and Liam returned it.

"I understand love most patients react the same way when they were with a loved one." She smiled and reattached me to the monitor. "So as you know you've been out for 2 we-"

"I've been asleep for 2 weeks?!" Liam and Harry both shook their head yes. "The car hit us on the drivers side." Liam responded.

"Which is why you and your friend in the other room is a little worse off." The nurse added. "You cut open your head on a piece of glass and hit it pretty hard. You have 15 stitches along the right side so be careful where you touch. Your knee and shoulder were also dislocated and you broke your left foot. Your body needed more time to heal so it explains why you were out for a couple weeks. You boys are lucky that you're still here right now." The nurse explained.

"When do we get released? Me and louis?" I asked.

"After a couple days. We just need to run some tests and make sure everything is going well." She smiled and walked out of the room. Then the door opened again and a doctor was wheeling in a hospital bed.

"Hey lads!" Louis chipper voice filled the room.

"Louis! It's good to see you." I said smiling at him.

"You too lad, good to see that you're awake and okay."

"You two will be sharing a room together from now on is that alright?" The nursed asked me and Louis.

"Yeah that'd be great." Lou answered.

Hey guys :) I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I just have to get things going so please stay with me haha! Comment, vote, follow, all that would mean a lot to me.
-lovely_niall_horan :)

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