Chapter 16

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Addison's P.O.V

-Two days later-

"You told him you loved him?!" Sophia squealed looking through clothes on the rack. She decided to take me shopping so we could get to know one another. "Did he say it back?" She asked looking up at me. I slowly nodded with a smile playing at my lips.

"I'm happy Niall met you. He needs a girl like you, someone who truly cares about him." I smiled in return.

"What about you and Liam?" I asked picking up a dress that I liked.

"I'm not sure." I looked at her questionably.

"What do you mean?"

"He was excited to see me, but somethings different and I can't quite pinpoint it." I nodded.

"You should just talk to him about it."

"Yeah I might. Anyways we should try on all this stuff before my arm falls off from carrying it." We laughed and made our way to the dressing rooms.

"There's only one open so you first." Sophia pushed me in the door and shut it. I placed the clothes down and tried on a shirt that had lace on it and dark blue skinny jeans.

"Make sure to show me!" Sophia mumbled from the other side of the door. I opened it and walked out so she could see.

"Twirl!" She said moving her finger in a circle. I turned around and faced her again.

"I love them! You're ass looks great in those pants." I laughed and walked back inside. This time I decided to try on one of the dresses I picked. It was a tight dress that revealed my back. Looking at myself in the mirror I felt slightly self-conscious.

"I don't know about this one." I said.

"Come on show me addi." Sophia said on the other side of the door. I opened it slowly and walked out. She looked me up and down which made me feel even more uncomfortable.

"Addison what the hell are you talking about you look stunning in that dress. It fits you absolutely perfect and I'm jealous." She laughed. After we were done trying on our clothes we ended up buying everything.

"I think we should leave this store before I end up spending my entire savings." I said cringing at the amount of bags I was carrying.

"Let's go back to the bus, yeah?" Sophia asked and I nodded. Once we got back to the bus we set our stuff down.

"It's really quite the lads must be out today." Sophia said.

"Means we have the place to ourselves." I said smirking and she laughed in return.

*2 hours later*

Niall's P.O.V

The lads and I walked into the bus and immediately heard laughing.

"Hey guysssss." Addison said sitting on the couch with a messy bun, one of my t-shirts, no pants, and a tub of cookie dough in her lap. In my opinion she looked beautiful. I walked over to her and sat down.

"Can I have some?" I asked eyeing the cookie dough.

"No." She said with a straight face.

"Pleaseeeee addi." She just laughed and took a spoon full and shoved in her mouth but before she could I grabbed it out of her hand and stuck in mine.

"You suck." She said laughing.

"You guys are making me sick." Louis said in a fake gagging tone. Me and Addison looked up and everyone was watching us.

"They're cute Lou." Sophia said shoving him in the shoulder. I went back to ignoring them and turned back to Addison.

"We don't leave until tomorrow morning so I was wondering if you'd want to go out to dinner tonight?" She smiled and looked up at me.

"Like a date?" She asked.

"Like a date." She nodded her head yes and it was my turn to smile.

"We'll leave around 7 and it's gonna be a fancy place so dress nice." I said and kissed the top of her nose before standing up to get me phone to make reservations.

Addison's P.O.V

I looked at my phone and it was already 5:30. I decided to get into the shower. I washed my hair with a coconut smelling shampoo which is my favorite. After I was done I dried off and put on pajamas until I was ready to get dressed.

"Hey Addison?" Sophia said knocking softly on the bathroom door. I let her in and shut it behind her.

"So you guys are going on a date?" She said nugging me. I smiled and nodded.

"You have to let me do your hair and makeup!" She squealed.

"Alright yeah go ahead. Less work for me." I said laughing. About an hour later she was done and let me look in the mirror. My hair was loosely curled down my back and my makeup was a natural but fancy look.

"Thank you soph, I love it." I said hugging her.

"Wait here I'll get your outfit." She left before I could respond and showed up a couple seconds later. She was holding the dress that I bought earlier.

"Are you sure I should wear this one?" I asked and she nodded.

"Addison you look hot in it." She said with a serious face. I laughed and slipped it on. She handed me a pair of her high heels that matched it perfectly.

"You look amazing Addison. Niall will be drooling when he sees you." She opened the bathroom door and we walked out and went down the small hall into the living room. As soon as I walked in Louis turned to me and whistled while Liam and Harry made small comments. Niall turned around and stood up. He was wearing a suit but wasn't wearing his jacket. His white button up was pushed up to his elbows and was unbuttoned towards the top. He looked good.

"Addi.... You look absolutely beautiful." I blushed slightly and looked down. Sophia walked passed and whispered in my ear.

"See he's practically drooling over you." I laughed and shoved her away.

"Are you ready?" Niall asked picking up his jacket and walking towards me.

"Yeah I am." Niall grabbed my hand and we made our way out the door.


Hey guys I'm seriously so sorry it's been forever since I updated but I'm back! And I'll be trying to update at least once every week. I hope you guys like it and please comment-vote-follow ❤️

Unsteady: A Niall Horan fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now