Chapter 9

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Niall's P.O.V

-2 weeks later-

"Here let me help." Liam said walking over to me clearly noticing I was struggling with my tie.

"Thanks." I murmured.

"Are you nervous?" He asked as he finished tying my tie.

"A little. I don't do well at these type of things." I answered honestly. Today was the funeral of Addison's mom.

"You'll be fine. Right now we need to help Addison through this. I can't even imagine what it would be like to lose your mom." I nodded agreeing. Liam and I walked downstairs to meet the lads. We were all dressed in black suits.

"Finally, you guys take forever." Louis said taking a seat on the couch. We ignored his comment and sat down.

"Is Addison still getting ready?" Harry asked coming from the kitchen holding a glass of water and taking a sip.

"Yeah. I just want this day to be over with for her sake." I responded. As I finished my sentence Addison came down the stairs. She wore a black dress that hugged her curves and her hair was curled down her back. She looked beautiful. I know this isn't exactly the right time to be thinking this but it's true.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to keep you guys waiting." She said apologizing.

"You're fine love. Are you all set?" I asked standing up. She nodded and the lads stood up and walked out the door. I walked to the door and turned around.

"You're gonna be fine." I held out my hand for her to grab and she did. We walked to the car and got in. Harry was driving since he knew where it was. Not less than 10 minutes later we pulled up to the cemetery. We all got out but Addison stayed in the car.

"It's alright I got it. You guys go ahead." I motioned the boys to go and they did. I hopped back in the car sitting next to her.

"I don't know if I can do this Niall..." Her voice was quiet as she stared blankly at the cemetery through the window.

"Hey look at me." I said breaking her gaze. "I know your scared and I know it's gonna be hard seeing it, but I promise everything's gonna be okay." I rubbed her back and I could feel her relaxing. "If at any moment you feel like you can't take it anymore we can leave yeah?" She sighed and nodded her head.

"Yeah." She responded looking up at me.

"Let's go." I opened the door and helped her out. We walked through the cemetery until we saw a group of people. We stood in the front row next to the lads who saved a spot.

"You doing alright?" Harry leaned down and whispered in Addison's ear. She mumbled something I couldn't quite catch but Harry nodded his head and whispered something back. He put his hand on the low of her back and pulled her to his side. I know it was just a move to comfort her but it made me jealous.

The pastor started the ceremony and after a while it came time for Addison to say something about her mom. Harry gave her a reassuring rub on the back before she walked to stand by the pastor. She looked at Harry and he nodded his head.

"Hi my names Addison. As most of you know are her friends, you know I'm her daughter. There's many things I could say about my mom. But at the end of the day it comes down to the fact that she was just an amazing woman inside and out. Throughout my life she has always been my rock, the one that was always there, always helped me, always took care of me. Without her as my mom I have no idea how I would've made it this far." Her voice cracked and the tears came falling down her checks. It broke my heart as did everyone else's by the look on their faces. "I'm sorry." She said frantically wiping the tears off her face but it was useless because they kept falling. "My mom was a strong woman. Always made it though everything. She always fought her hardest. When she was in the hospital she really showed me how brave she was. I wish I was as brave as her. One thing that I had a hard time with was accepting the fact that I was gonna have to live my life without her from now on. I always thought how on earth am I gonna do this? But like someone once told me." She glanced up at me and I smiled. "She's always with me. In the way that she laughed and smiled. By the things that she thought me. She made me who I am. She always be in my heart. Always."

She walked back over and everyone clapped. Harry once again whispered something in her and she smiled up at him. Not long after the ceremony ended and people came up to Addison hugging her and telling her how beautiful her talk was. We soon got back to the car and piled in.

"How are you feeling addi?" Louis asked giving her a nickname. She smiled at it and replied. "I'm actually alright." He smiled at her answer.

"Thank you guys...for coming with me. You didn't have to yet you did and that means a lot." She said looking between all of us. "And thank you Harry for making it happen."

"No problem." He smiled at her then turned back around giving his attention back to the road. On the way back we stopped to get something to eat. By the time we got back to her home it was late.

"I'm going to bed." Addison said. "Thank you guys again." She gave each of us a hug and went upstairs to her room.

"You think she's actually okay?" Louis asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"She will be." I responded.

"Guys." Liam said speaking up.

"What?" We all asked at the same time.

"What do you think happened to her dad? She's never once mentioned him." He asked.

"...I have no idea. I didn't really think of that to be honest." I answered. Liam nodded in return.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I'm exhausted." Louis said walking towards the stairs. "I'm going to bed."

"Me too." Liam said.

"Same." Harry responded. They all went upstairs to their separate rooms. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water before heading up to my own room. I took off my suit and got in bed.

For some reason I couldn't fall asleep. I felt like I've been trying for hours. I looked at my phone and was blinded by the light. It was now 3 in the morning. I sighed and rubbed my face. Just then I heard my door creak open. I turned my head to see who it was but I couldn't tell until I heard the familiar voice.

"Niall?" It was Addison. I sat up and used my phone light to light up the small space.

"Yeah? Are you right?" I asked.

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry I shouldn't of-" I cut her off.

"No you didn't. I couldn't fall asleep I was awake." I replied and she relaxed.

"Same here." She said softly. I nodded slowly. I wonder why she came to my room?

"Is it alright if I...never mind." She said a little nervously.

"No it's alright, ask." I said softly.

"Can I stay with you tonight?"

"Of course." I answered a little too fast and she smiled.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I reassured her and she walked  over to the side of my bed. I moved over to give her room. I lifted the blankets as a motion for her to climb in. She looked at me and blushed.

"Wha-" I stopped in the middle of my sentence when I realized I was shirtless and only in a pair of boxers. I felt my face get warm.

"I can change if it bothers you." I said and she shook her head.

"No it's alright." I smirked and she laughed. She climbed in and I put the blankets back over us. I turned off my phone and the room became pitch black again.

"Goodnight love." I whispered.

"Night niall." She whispered back.

As I was drifting off to sleep I felt her move closer to me. She put her head between my chest and shoulder while wrapping her arm around my stomach. I instinctively put my arm around her and pulled her closer to me. Soon I slowly drifted to unconsciousness. 

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter! Please comment/vote/follow! It would mean a lot. Also my Instagram is @angelic.niall if y'all want to check it out 😚

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