Chapter 11

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Niall's P.O.V

"Thank you! You won't regret it." I hung up the call from management. Walking back into the dinning room where Addison and the lads were eating. Sitting back down in my spot I began eating again.

"So Addison were going back on tour in two days. We're gonna have to leave tomorrow evening so we can get prepared for it." Liam said putting his fork down. She looked down at her lap and sighed.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked from beside her.

"Yeah. I'm just gonna miss you guys, you know?" She said shrugging and pushing her plate forward signaling she was done. She looked up at me and I smirked at her.

"What?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well I just got off the phone with our management and after a little convincing from me...." I paused.

"Niall any day now." She said shifting in her seat. I laughed and continued.

"They're letting you come with us. If you want to of course." I smiled and she opened her eyes wide open.

"Are you serious??!" She asked looking between us all. We nodded our heads and her smile grew. "Yes of course I'll come. I can't believe they're letting me go." She squealed and we burst out laughing. 

Addison's P.O.V

*Next night*

"I don't know what to pack!" I said while pulling clothes out of my closet and looking through them. Niall sat on my bed and laughed at me. "It's not funny niall."

"Love it doesn't matter what you pack." He replied leaning back on the headboard.

"How long is the tour?" I asked dropping the clothes that were in my hand and sighing.

"6 months." He said picking up his phone and scrolling though it.

"6 months?! How am I gonna pack for 6 months?" He put his phone down and got off the bed. Walking over to me he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room. He lead me to the bathroom and pushed me in.

"Don't worry about packing. Take a shower and get ready, we're gonna have to leave soon." I nodded and shut the door. I pulled off my clothes and stepped in the burning hot water. Grabbing my shampoo I put some in my hand and began massaging it through my hair. The smell of vanilla filled my nose. After a couple minutes under the warm water and cleaning up my muscles began to relax. I finished washing up and I turned off the water. Slipping out of the shower I grabbed a fluffy white towel and wrapped it around my body. I opened the door and peaked out making sure the lads wouldn't see me. I ran to my room and shut the door. There was an outfit laying on my bed and the rest of my clothes were missing. I got dressed in the leggings, sweater, and boots that were laid out. I finished getting ready by putting on minimal makeup and pulling my hair in a high ponytail.

"Where are you guys?" I asked walking down the stairs and seeing no one.

"Over here!" I heard them shout and I followed their voices. They were all by the front door with suitcases piled on each other including mine.

"Who packed my bags?" I asked in amusement.

"I did lovely don't worry, you'll be looking good." Louis said turning to me and winking. I laughed and he smiled in return.

"Thanks Lou." He nodded and opened the door wheeling some of our bags out.

"Are you ready?" Liam asked. I looked around the empty house and signed quietly to myself. I turned back to the boys and nodded.

"Alright let's go!" Harry said helping Louis with the bags. We all got into a taxi and made our way to the airport. It didn't take long for us to arrive.

"We don't have to worry about fans they're bringing us right to the private jet." Liam said and the lads nodded.

"You have a private jet...?" I asked somewhat surprised. Harry nodded laughing at my reaction. We got out of the car and walked up to the plane. Our bags were already put onboard. The pilot went inside and the boys followed, but I stayed put.

"Addison come on." Harry said from the entrance. I hesitated before stepping on the first step but stopping once again. Niall pushed his way past the lads and walked down to me.

"What's the matter love?" He asked.

"I've never been on a plane before." I said my voice coming out slightly shaky. Niall nodded understandingly.

"You're gonna be fine. We fly all the time and nothing ever happens. It is safer than driving you know?" He said laughing lightly.

"I know I just don't do well with heights and being that high in the air doesn't help."

"I don't like heights either but I promise you the view is amazing. If I can handle it so can you. Come on." He held out his hand and I took it. We walked in the plane and took our seats. Niall sat by me and Liam, Louis and Harry, sat across from us. The pilots voice came through the speaker and told us to put on our seat belts. I didn't even realize I was shaking until niall took the seatbelt out of my hands and buckled it for me.

"Just breathe." He said rubbing my arm is soothing motions. The plane slowly started going down the runway getting in position to take off.

"You're gonna be fine addi." Louis said from in front of me. I nodded but the sick feeling in my stomach didn't calm down. Then the plane took off full force and pushed me back in my seat. My knuckles were turning white from the grip I had on Niall's arm.

"Jesus Addison." Niall said trying to loosen my grip but failed. My eyes were shut as I tried to calm myself. What felt like forever passed before Harry spoke up.

"You can open your eyes now. We're in the air." He said breathing out a laugh. I opened one eye and looked outside. Opening the other my muscles relaxed slightly and I let my grip on niall go. He pulled his arm to him and rubbed it laughing.

"I'm sorry." I said with a hint of humor.

"Don't worry about it." He smiled. "See it's not that bad right?" He asked searching for the answers in my eyes.

"What if we crashed? And fell thousands of feet to the ground?" I asked seriously. The lads burst out laughing.

"That's not gonna happen!" Liam said still giggling at my response.

"Just wait until the landing it's ten times worse than the take off." Louis said.

"Great." I responded and niall wrapped his arm around me whispering reassuring thoughts in my ear.

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter :) I would love any feedback from you guys so I know that you're enjoying it so far! Please vote-comment-follow it would mean a lot ❤️

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