Chapter 12

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Addison's P.O.V

"This place is huge!" I walked out from behind the stage and looked at all the empty seats in the stadium. The boys smiled and nodded eagerly.

"It's one of the biggest we've played in." Niall said smiling walking down the part of the stage that goes in the crowd.

"You wanna watch our rehearsal? Or do you wanna wait until the real thing?" Harry asked walking over to me.

"I think I'll wait until the real thing. This will be my first concert I wanna experience it with everyone else." I smiled back.

"Alright. You can hang out with Lou until we're done." I nodded walking backstage and working my way through the halls. I found Lou's door and knocked. A little girl opened the door and peered up at me with a grin. Lou I'm assuming walked up behind her.

"Hi you must be Lou? I'm Addison." I held out my hand but she pulled me in and hugged me.

"Harry has told me a lot about you!" She gushed pulling me in the room.

"He told me to stay with you until they're done, is that alright?" I asked sitting down on a couch that was in the room.

"Oh of course love! I don't mind at all. This is my daughter lux by the way." I looked over to the little girl and she waved excitedly. I waved back and told Lou thanks. While I was waiting for the lads me and Lou got to know each other and I can say that I really like her.

"So I have to ask." Lou said taking a seat next to me. "Which one of the lads do you fancy?" I immediately blushed and played with the hem of my shirt.

"I don't really know." She raised her eyebrows at me.

"Come on don't be shy around me." She nudged my shoulder which made me laugh.

"Alright alight." She smiled satisfied. "It's Niall."

"Niall what?" I snapped my head towards the door. Niall walked into the room.

"N-nothing." I stuttered mentally smacking myself. Lou wiggled her eyebrows and it was now my turn to nudge her in the arm.

"Alright." Niall laughed and turned his attention to Lou. "Thank you for letting her hang with you, but I'll take her from here." Lou nodded and gave me a hug with a quick 'nice to meet you' which I returned. Niall pulled me out of the room and lead us to his dressing room.

"Make yourself comfortable I just have to get changed." I nodded and sat down in a chair. He then stripped off his shirt and began taking off his pants.

"Oh you meant right here okay." I said and turned around covering my eyes. I heard a laugh rumble deep in his chest.

"You don't have to cover your eyes. I don't mind." I stayed put anyways until he mumbled that he was done.

"So what time does it start?" I asked turning back around. He was wearing a long sleeve shirt that was rolled up to his elbows, dark skinny jeans, white supras, and a snapback that was put on backwards. I'll admit he looked good.

"Why don't you take a picture it'll last longer." He laughed.

"Shut up." I breathed out a laugh while looking down to hide him from seeing my blush.

"It starts in an hour." He stated walking over and sitting next to me. "Can I ask you something?" He said looking up into my eyes with his crystal blue ones.

"Anything." I said quietly.

"The other day at your house... What happened between you and Harry?" That was the last thing I expected him to ask. I broke our eye contact and shifted in my seat.

Unsteady: A Niall Horan fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now