Chapter 7

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Addison's P.O.V

I wake up to something heavy laying on top of me. I slowly open my eyes and see niall with his arm wrapped tightly around my stomach with his head on my shoulder. I immediately blush at the situation and untangle myself from his embrace without waking him. Memories of last night crept it's way into my mind, but I pushed back the tears. I'm embarrassed of letting niall see me like that. I'm not one to go around shoving my problems at people or show emotion in general. I'm used to having to fake a smile day in and day out.

I look across the room where I found a sleeping Liam and Louis. Walking out the door I made my way through the hall and walked up to the front desk where a nurse sat.

"Excuse me?" My voice came out scratched and almost silent she didn't even hear me. I coughed to clear my throat.

"Excuse me." I said again but this time more loud. She looked up at me and smiled which I somewhat returned.

"Hello darling. You're Addison right?" I nodded my head and a look of sorrow came over her face. "I'm deeply sorry about your mother."

"Thank you." I felt slightly uncomfortable.

"I know this is hard to talk about for you sweetie. Do you have any family members that can help you take care of all of this?" She asked sweetly.

"Um... No, not really." I said looking down at the ground.

"Alright. We'll have a funeral director help you. Is that alright?" I murmured a small yes and she lead me to other desk with a middle aged man behind it.

"Hello." The man half smiled at me and gestured me to sit down. "I'm sorry for your loss." I nodded and he continued. "First off how old are you darling?"

"I'm nineteen." I answered shortly, not wanting to deal with all of this. I know I'll break down again soon.

"Do you have a job? Cause funerals are costly. Do have a way to pay for it? Or other family members?" I hate thinking about this.

"No. I'm by myself. How much do think it will be?" I'll find a way to pay for it somehow.

"Well with the tombstone, casket, and other things to plan, it will most likely be a couple thousand dollars." I closed my eyes and ran my hand through my hair. There's no way I can get that much money within a couple days.

"I'm sorry...but I-I don't have that amount of money." I said looking back up at him.

He looked at me with pity filled eyes. "I understand. I wish there was a way for me to help. Unless if you can find a way to pay for it, there won't be a funeral."

I sighed and felt the tears form in my eyes. After everything she's done for me...I can't even give her a funeral. By now the tears were freely falling down my checks and landing on the counter.

"I'm really sorry." The man said.

"It's okay." My voice was quiet so quiet I don't think he even noticed. I heard foot steps come up behind me and an arm wrapped around my shoulder. I looked up to see Harry looking back down at me.

"What happened love?" He whispered in my ear.

"I can't afford to pay for her funeral." I responded and looked away from his gaze. After a few moments Harry's voice spoke up.

"How much is it? The funeral?" He asked looking at the man.

"A couple thousand dollars." He answered. Harry looked as if he was in deep thought.

"I'll pay for it." The man nodded his head and started going through papers on his desk.

"Harry you can't pay for it. I'm not gonna let you do that." I said looking back up at him. He lifted his hand towards my face and I flinched which earned a questioning look from him in return. He wiped the tears off of my checks and I relaxed.

"I want to. And I'm going to." He responded pulling me into a hug. I signed.

"Thank you Harry."

"You're welcome love."

For the next couple hours me and Harry sat with the funeral director and planned everything. Once we were done Harry paid him and we began walking back to the boys hospital room. I feel horrible for having Harry pay. I hate using other people's money, but he wouldn't take no as an answer. After a couple minutes we made it back to the room.

"Addison! Where were you?" Niall asked as soon as I walked through the door. And then his stare landed on Harry coming in behind me. A look flashed through nialls eyes but disappeared before I could tell what it was.

"They needed me to plan the funeral. I couldn't afford it so Harry helped me." He just nodded his head in return. Is something bothering him?

"When's the funeral? If you don't mind me asking?" Liam gave me a sympathetic look.

"2 weeks from today." I answered.

"We'll be there." Liam smiled at me.

"You guys don't have to do that." I said looking between them all.

"We want to." Niall spoke up and the boys nodded in agreement. If I'm being honest with myself I'm glad they offered. I don't think I could do it alone.

"So boys, I spoke to the doctor earlier today." Harry smiled. "You guys can be released today!" Louis and niall smiled largely.

"It's about time." Lou added.

"Where do you live?" Niall asked bringing the attention back on me.

"In a neighborhood about 30 minutes away from here." Niall and the rest of the lads shared looks between each other. "Why?" I asked.

"Would it be alright if we stayed with you? You know until the funeral?" Niall asked.

"Yeah..yeah that's fine." I smiled at him and he returned it. A couple hours later the boys checked out of the hospital and we all got into the taxi. I gave the driver my address and he began making his way through the streets. About a half an hour later we pulled up to my moms house. Liam gave the driver money and we got out. I walked up to the door and got my keys out. Unlocking it we all walked in. The soft smell of my mom filled my senses. I took a deep breath and made my way to the living room. I showed the boys where everything was at and what rooms they would stay in.

"Are you doing okay?" Niall asked walking into my mothers room where I was standing. I lifted the sweater I was holding away from my face.

"It still smells like her." I said never looking up. I could hear him getting closer until he was right in front of me. He grabbed the sweater out of my hands and placed it back on the bed. He put his hand under my chin and lifted it so that I was looking at him.

"I know it's hard right now, trust me I know. And these next few weeks are gonna be hard. But through it all I'll be right by your side okay? Right here. After a while things will get easier and you'll still miss her but it won't be as hard because you realize she's still with you." I didn't realize I was crying until niall wiped tears off my face. "And I know for a fact that your mum wouldn't want her beautiful daughter to be sad more than she needs to."

I half laughed and niall smiled. I didn't know what to say back to him so I just instinctively wrapped my arms around him which caught him in surprise. It didn't take him long to wrap his arms around me as well.

Hey guys! I'm sorry it's been a little bit for this update. I've been busy. But anyways I hope you like it! Please comment-vote-follow it would mean a lot to me ❤️

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