Chapter 6

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Niall's P.O.V

The lads and I made our way down the cafeteria. We got our food and sat down at the same table we always do.

"Addison is coming right?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, she should be here any minute." I said staring at Harry.

"Should we wait to eat then? Until she gets down here?" Liam asked looking up at me as I just stuffed a handful of chips in my mouth.

"Umm... Never mind then I got my answer." Liam laughed and I shrugged. The lads continued talking and eating their food. As time passed I looked down at my phone. 25 minutes have passed.

"You sure she's coming?" Louis asked.

I shrugged "She said so..." I trailed off.

"We could wait a little longer?" Liam suggested.

"No that's alright lads we can just go back up." We picked up our garbage and threw it away heading towards the elevator. Once we reached our floor we walked out.

"I'm just gonna see if I can find her." I said to the boys walking in the opposite direction of our room. I made my way down the hall. A doctor and multiple nurses went rushing by me and ran further down the hall turning a corner. I followed and as I got closer I heard a girl screaming. I quickened my pace and rounded the corner. My eyes met a nurse holding a girl back dragging her away from the hospital room. But that wasn't just any girl, it was Addison. I ran over to her and the nurse.

"What's going on?!?" I asked panicky. Addison stopped fighting against the nurse and looked up at me. Her eyes were red and her checks were stained with tears. The sight broke my heart. She instantly wrapped her arms around me and started crying into my shoulder. The nurse ran back into the room and my eyes followed. A doctor and 3 nurses were crowed over a woman laying still on the hospital bed. They were holding a defibrillator.

"CLEAR." The doctor shouted and the woman's chest lifted off the bed only to fall back down.

"CLEAR." The heart monitor was still one continuous beep. The doctors sighed and turned off the machine. The nurse came back out and looked at Addison.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Addison fell to the floor sobbing. I sat down next to her and pulled her into my side. I could feel my shirt getting soaked with each sob she let out. Her whole body was shaking as she had her face nuzzled into my chest. I held her tightly and rubbed her back.

"Shhhh. It's okay. It's okay." I repeated, my voice just above a whisper. She continued holding on to me and crying. Seeing her like this gave me a ache in my chest. I felt my eyes water.

We continued sitting against the wall for what felt like hours. The hospital became quieter as time passed. Soon it became an eerie quiet, with no one but ourselves left in this hall.

After a while she sat up and wiped the remaining tears off her face. She stared  blankly into the empty dark room across from us. A couple moments pasted and I hardly her voice speak up.

"It was my mom." Her voice cracked. My heart dropped at the amount of pain in her voice. "I didn't even get to say good-...." She couldn't finish her sentence before the tears started flowing again. She looked over to me and I opened my arms. She rested her head on my shoulder.

"I'm right here for you love. I'm right here." I whispered and she held on to me tighter. A nurse I've never seen before walked up to us. She took in the sight of Addison and she gave me a sad smile.

"I'm sorry loves but you can't stay in the hallway." I shook my head and she walked away. I got myself up and lifted Addison as well.

"We're are you staying tonight?" I asked her softly.

"I-I can't go home-e.." She stuttered blinking her big blue eyes to stop more tears.

"You can stay in our room?" I offered and she shook her head yes. I grabbed her hand and lead us through the halls. I opened the door and Louis immediately bombarded me with questions.

"Nialler!! I take it you found Addison?? You've been gone for awhile you guys have like a make out sessi-" Liam cut him off by smacking his arm obviously noticing the small figure behind me. Louis turned around and looked at us. I grabbed her hand and pulled her inside the room.

The lads faces turned to worry as they saw her face.

"What happened?" Liam asked concerned. I shook my head signaling not to talk about it. I gestured for the lads to leave the room and they did without protest. I lead her to my hospital bed.

"Is this okay?" I asked.

"Yes." She climbed in.

"Will you stay with me?" She asked and I nodded climbing in next to her.

"Thank you for everything niall..." She said softly laying her head on my chest. I covered her with a blanket.

"You don't have to thank me." I began rubbing small circles on her back to comfort her. Minutes passed and I heard the soft almost silent snores coming from her mouth. I lifted myself from the bed careful to not wake her. I walked out of the room.

"Niall what the hell happened." Louis asked. I put my finger over my mouth.

"Quiet Lou she just fell asleep." I sighed and sat next to Liam. I told them everything that happened.

"Her mom just died...?" Liam asked. I nodded.

"Oh my god..." Harry said lost of words.

"The pain on her face...she saw it all. I wish I could've stopped it. I should've done something..." I trailed off.

"Niall you did all you could do. You were there for her." Harry said and the lads nodding their heads agreeing.

"There's nothing you could've done to stop it." Liam added.

"I know... I just.. I want to take her pain away." I replied looking down at my hands.

"Then do it." Lou said.

Hey guys. More of an emotional chapter but I hope you enjoyed it. Please comment-vote-follow it would mean a lot ❤️ more exciting chapters are coming I PROMISE!

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