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Kim SeokJin kneeled down to the ground as he coughed up flower after flower. Lily after lily; and with it went more and more of him.

He opened his eyes, blinking away the tears brought by the stinging sensation the lilies gave as they tore through his throat, and Jin stared at the pile of wet petals that lay before his trembling figure.

Damn this disease

It couldn't have been as simple as
"I love you!"
"I love you, too!"

Of course not.

It had to be
"I love you"
"I'm sorry, Jin. I don't feel the same..."
Oh congratulations SeokJin! You have Hanahaki!
Poisonous flowers will slowly kill you!

Do I have the money to save myself? He would think
(Of course not.) A voice would reply
Theft? He then would suggest
(Don't even try it. Unless you want to go to jail until your heart gives out.) The voice calmly stated.

Jin sighed, slowly cleaning up the dying petals and putting them outside
Be of some use to the ecosystem
Then he sat on his bed, a tear escaped as he looked around the room he hasn't left in-
Days. Days that felt like-
Pictures decorated walls and shelves, 6 other boys SeokJin felt blessed to call
his best friends smiled and laughed in the photographs.
Beside his bed lay a Polaroid, a picture of her-
("I'm sorry, Jin. I don't feel the same way...")
Jin collapsed on the bed as his chest started to hurt-
(An understatement. It felt on fire, it felt like his lungs were trying to squeeze themselves out of existence)

Is this it? The sad ending to my story?
Oh, it seems it is... SeokJin thought as he curled into a fetal position.
His head grew fuzzy and he could barely keep his eyes open any longer. Slowly, they closed

'Damn this disease...'

Authors Note

If you don't know, the Hanahaki disease is a fake disease born from unrequited, or one-sided, love,
The affected will cough up or vomit flower petals. It is not always harmful, but in the video the flowers Jin had were Lilies, which are poisonous.
I didn't know what kind of poison, I just know they can be fatal, so I winged it ( ̄▽ ̄)
The Hanahaki disease can of course be cured, but that is with surgery and, like all surgeries, is crazy expensive.
(Side note: the feelings that triggered the disease will disappear upon treatment, but I'm sure my clever Aliens figured that out)

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