Chapter 12

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Yesterday the girls and I went to the boys' house and hung out there for awhile. My phone rang and I groaned. I sat up and answered it. "Hello?" I answered.

"Madison, did you forget that we have to fly today?" Dad asked and I widened my eyes.

"Oh god I did! What time?" I asked and he said at 2pm. That's in two hours. "Is everyone else at home?"

"Yeah. We were waiting on you and Louis." He said. Wow way to wake us up.

"We will be over soon." I said and he hung up.

We were going on Ellen tonight with McKenna and her mom. It's some new game she made and we were going to be the first to play. Dad and I, against Stacey and McKenna.

I shook Louis awake. "It's 12." I said and he shot up.

"Fuck." He said hopping out of bed and into the shower real quick. Once he was done I hopped in and got dressed in a pair of his sweats and a hoodie.

"I feel like an Oompa Loompa." I giggled and he rolled his eyes.

We hopped in my car and drove back to mine.

I got out of the car and I saw Stacey and McKenna in the living room, with everyone there. "Stacey!" I said and hugged her.

"Hey! It's been a long time since we last saw you." Stacey said.

"We?" I questioned.

Dad came out of the kitchen talking to McKenna's dad, Darren. "Awe hell no." Darren said with a sigh. But then he smiled and hugged me.

They were like my second family. When my parents divorced, they were there for my dad and I. "Does that mean...?" I started and looked at McKenna and she nodded.

"Maddie!" I heard McKenna's littlest sister yell.

She ran up to me and hugged me. She's 9. "Hi Aubrey! You've gotten tall!" I said.

She smiled and went back to go play with Harry.

I wiggled my eyebrows at McKenna and she rolled her eyes. "Where's the other one?" I asked and if I'm cue she walked in from the kitchen talking to Sam. By the look on Sam's face she was annoyed with her already.

"Hi Madison!" Hayleigh waved a little too excited. I'm pretty sure she's 20.

"Hi." I said with a small smile.

"So are they ALL coming with?" I asked Dad and he nodded. "Is there even enough room on the plane?"

He nodded again. "Of course there is."

I went upstairs and grabbed my bag and put it in the car. "Well lets get goin'." I said and we had to take separate cars. In dad's car there were 7 seats and there was that many in Darren's as well. There is 14 of us so it's a little cramped so Louis and I took my car and we had Sam and Harry in the back.

An hour later and we were at the plane ready to go.

I slept the whole plane ride there. I like to sleep.

I woke up and we went to a hotel. It was 4 in each hotel room. In my room it was Louis, me, Sam, and Liam. I don't know about the others but I think McKenna is in Harry's room. *wink wink* I quickly got changed for Ellen.

We made it to the studio in time and Ellen's crew placed everyone who wasn't going on stage to a room to watch it on the tv

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We made it to the studio in time and Ellen's crew placed everyone who wasn't going on stage to a room to watch it on the tv. I stepped onto a mat that I was supposed to stand on and I was strapped to strings. Ellen started explaining the game to us quickly before she would have to do it again. I widened my eyes.

Ellen explained the rules again. "Madison and McKenna will get a category and their parents will put a bet to see how many they get. Let's say the category is Toothpaste and Simon bets Madison can get 7. This is all in 30 Seconds, If she doesn't get to it she drops. A parent can challenge and the number will go up one. If the one challenged gets it right, the other drops. First daughter to drop, loses." Ellen said. She handed us blindfolds.

"Why did I ever agree to this?" I asked putting on the blindfold.

"I'm going to raise you up now." Ellen said and I let out a little scream when I lifted.

"First category goes to McKenna. It is a little easy for the first one. Boy bands." Ellen said.

"I bet she can get 10." Stacey said.

"Mom!" McKenna yelled.

"I challenge you." Simon said.

"Simon." McKenna whined.

"Time starts now!" Ellen said.

"Uuhhhh One Direction!" McKenna started.

"*NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, New kids on the block, Boyz II Men, uuuhhh." McKenna started to Brain fart.

"5 Seconds." Ellen said.

"I've got no more." McKenna sighed.

"You ready to drop?" Ellen asked and I'm assuming McKenna nodded because I heard her scream.

"Madison," Ellen started.

"Oh god." I mumbled.

"Your category is Famous Rappers."

"I bet she can do 6." I let out a sigh of relief, he didn't do a big number.

"Just think of all the lil's." McKenna chuckled.

"I challenge you." Stacey said.

I groaned. "Stacey!"

"You have to get 7. Your time starts now!"

"Lil Wayne, snoop dog, Wiz Khalifa, Jay Z, uuhhhh." Fuck, I can't think under pressure.

"15 Seconds."

Oh my god. "Uhhh Kanye West! Oh my god ummmm, OH DRAKE!" I shouted.

"5 Seconds." Ellen said.

"What?!" I screeched.

"Time. You only had one left." Ellen sighed. "You ready?" She asked.

"Where do I even hold-" I cut off my sentence with a scream. I let my body dangle for a second. "Whew. That was scary." I said straightening myself back up.

"McKenna, you category is Breakfast Cereals."

"What?" McKenna groaned.

"I bet she can get 9." Stacey said.

"Mom, come on!" McKenna groaned again.

"From the sound of that, I challenge you." Dad said and I could hear a smile on his face. I brace myself for the next fall. McKenna is so getting this.

"Time starts now!"

"Apple Jacks, Boo Berry, Lucky Charms, Froot Loops, Cap'n Crunch, Cookie Crisp, Corn Flakes, Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and uhhhh." McKenna said.

"7 Seconds!"

"WHEATIES!" McKenna shouted.

"I'm sorry Madison, but you're gonna have to drop." Ellen said and I took a deep breath.

"Okay I'm good." I said holding up the Ok sign. I felt my body drop and hit the mat I stood on before. I took the blindfold off and laid on the mat.

I watched as she dropped McKenna. McKenna and Stacey got their prize and I went to the room everyone was in after they took the straps off me. "I'm gonna be honest, that was kind of fun." I giggled.

"My heart literally was beating so fast during the whole thing." Louis said hugging me.

"I wasn't going to get hurt. There was a mat."

"Things can happen." Louis said and I just shrugged.

"I'm going to sleep when we get back to the hotel." I said as we got in the car.

"You sleep too much." Louis said and I just shrugged.

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