Chapter 17

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I sat with Louis on his bus. "Why aren't they back from their date yet?" I whined.

"Why do you care so much?" Louis asked.

"Because, McKenna doesn't really date. But when she does go on dates I worry." I said and stood up when I hear them outside.

I peaked out the window and watched as they kissed. Louis and I looked at each other, grinning. I grabbed his shoulders and shook him. "Oh my god I want to scream." I said as I stopped shaking Louis. He smirked.

"I can arrange that." He threw his arm around me.

I rolled my eyes. "I know you can. But let's focus for a second." I patted his chest.

He let out a dramatic sigh. "Fine."

Harry walked on the bus with a smile. "Oh my god give me the deets." I said walking up to him.

He furrowed his eyebrows at me. "I'm not a girl." He frowned.

"Fine." I groaned and walked off the bus.

"Where are you going?" Louis asked as he poked his head out of the window.

"I'm going to get the juicy details since somebody won't give them." I said and walked over to the girls bus.

"Where have you been?" Sam asked.

"I was on the other bus. Harry walked in with a smile but he wouldn't tell me anything. So, can you? I'm dying to hear this tea." I said plopping down on the floor.

"It was really great." She said with a grin.

"That's it?" Kenzie asked. "That's all?"

McKenna shrugged. "Pretty much."

"Are you going on another?" Sam asked.


"Are you okay?" I asked squinting my eyes at her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" McKenna asked and we all scoffed.

"Alright then. What's wrong with him then?" Sam asked.

"We just aren't compatible."

"Compatible? Who the fuck says that anymore?" I said.

"Me. Now I'm going to bed. Night." McKenna said.

Once she walked away, Louis texted me.

"You sure you want to sleep in the bunk? You could be in Harry's arms!" Kenzie said loudly.

"We are actually going to a hotel. Louis texted me." I said standing up.

Sam went to get McKenna and I grabbed my bag and met Louis by his bus. He walked off and I walked with him to the hotel. "Why are we a block away?" I asked.

"I don't know. Liam's idea." Louis shrugged.

"I seriously wonder what's going on in his head." I chuckled.

Louis and I sat in our hotel room. "Did McKenna say anything about the date?" Louis asked.

"Not really. She used the word compatible." I scrunched my nose.

"Somethings fishy." Louis said.

"Why? What did Harry say about it?" I asked.

"Literally nothing. He usually will tell us how it went but he didn't even say that much." Louis shrugged.

"I wonder what the hell happened?"

"I have to go to the bar with the boys. I'll be back later." Louis got up and left.

I furrowed my eyebrows. The girls walked into my room with the same expression. "Is it just me or are the boys acting weird?" Sam asked.

I stood up from the couch and stretched. "Yeah, the only normal one is Zayn." Kenzie answered.

"Louis usually gives me a kiss before he leaves. He didn't this time." I pouted.

"Niall was all stutters and fidgeting." Kenzie said.

"I thought Liam was fine." Sam shrugged. "Anyone notice Harry?"

I shook my head. "No, but the date thing was kind of weird." I squinted my eyes at McKenna.

"How So?" McKenna asked.

"Louis told me that Harry usually talks about the dates he goes on. He said nothing about yours. And you used compatible." I pointed out.

"What is with you and compatible?" She asked.

"Nobody says that!" I argued.

"Okay okay. Let's just figure out what the hell is wrong with the boys. Minus Zayn cause he seems fine." Sam said.

"Alright where the hell do we even start?" Kenzie asked.

"Louis said they were going to the bar." I suggested.

"Niall said they had a meeting." Kenzie furrowed her eyebrows.

"Liam told me they were going out to eat at a seafood restaurant. I don't eat fish so I didn't want to go. He knows I hate seafood." Sam said.

We turned to McKenna. "What?" She asked. "I've got nothing to do with your boy's answer."

"Did Harry tell you where he was going?" I asked.

"No. Why would he?" McKenna said quickly.

"Okay, why don't we just visit each of the places and figure out which one they're at?" Sam suggested.

"So, bar first?"

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