Chapter 19

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We were soon back on the buses and I've avoided Louis. Being on separate buses will be a lot easier. I was the last one to walk on the bus. I saw Louis on the couch, sleeping. Immediately, I turned around and walked off. I went on the other bus and they started to move. I sat with my legs on Harry and my head in Zayn's lap. It was going to be a short ride. Zayn started to play with my hair making me doze off.

I woke up when Harry shook my legs. "What?" I groaned.

"We are here, sleeping beauty." Harry said standing up and stretching.

I pouted and sat up so Zayn could stand.  They turned around. "You coming?" Niall asked.

"No. I'm good here." I said.

"Okay." Harry shrugged and they left. I watched them from the window.

Louis and Liam walked off of the bus and met with the boys in front. I could faintly hear them. "Is she coming?" Louis asked.

"No. Sorry Lou, you fucked up bad." Zayn shook his head with an arm on his shoulder.

"Just do the same thing I did to Sam." Liam shrugged and they started to walk away. I furrowed my eyebrows. The fuck did he do to Sam? I hopped off the couch and went to the other bus.

I let out a huge sigh of relief when I noticed Sam was alive and well. "Are you okay?" McKenna gave me a weird look.

"Peachy." I said and sat on the floor next to Kenzie.

"Have you talked to Louis?" Sam asked and I shook my head. "Why not?"

"Cause he's an asshole." I rolled my eyes.

"But he's not!" Kenzie groaned.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You guys were there!"

"Well yes but Louis-" Sam cut McKenna off.

"Let him tell her."

"Tell me what?" I asked confused.

"You'll know once you let him speak to you." Sam rolled her eyes.

I sighed and stood up. "Fine." I walked off the bus and the girls caught up to me. I walked in and saw the same girl talking to Louis. I just stood there, looking at him.

Harry saw me and nudged Louis with his elbow. Louis turned his head and looked at me. I spun on my heels and walked right back on the buses. "Why is he still with her?" I heard McKenna ask from behind me.

"I don't know." Sam whispered back. "He shouldn't be."

"Madison, wait!" I heard Louis.

I turned around, angrily. "Why are you such an asshole!" I growled and pushed on his chest with both hands. He stumbled a bit.

"Please, just let me explain!" Louis pleaded.

I glanced at Sam. She shrugged. "Fine." I mumbled.

"Liam and I had to look like a player and be with another girl! We aren't supposed to tell you, but after we've seen your hurt expressions we had to. But you wouldn't let me explain-"

"Oh, so it's my fault?"

"No!" He sighed. "Look, I don't want to be with that girl. I want to be with you. Management is making us do this. I tried talking to them but they wouldn't listen! The girl I'm 'with' understands because I told her about you." Louis said softly.

I let my folded arms fall to my sides. "Really?" I whispered.

"Yes. She has a boyfriend. She's only doing this because she needs the money. If it makes you feel any better, we haven't kissed."

Simon's Daughter (L.T.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora