Chapter 1

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No One's POV

"Where'd you find them?" Bellatrix asks Scabior.

"In the North Forest." He responds.

Wormtail enters the room and as Lily and Harry Potter eye him, Bellatrix continues messing with the scarf wrapped around Scabior's neck.

"Lovely scarf Scabior. Though i'm not sure it's your color." Bellatrix says.

"It's not mine."

"You don't say?" Bellatrix says with a great deal of sarcasm. Then her snake like eyes drift to Hermione.

"Fancy her do you Scabior? Hm, maybe we'll work out some sort of reward, If you have what you say you have." She says.

"Draco? Is this indeed the Potters?" She asks him. His heart pounds, and sweat begins to form. Harry's face is tense, but Lily's is filled with fear and horror.

"Show me." Bellatrix says pointing to Harry's forehead, and the Stinging Jinx fails Harry as the scar is revealed.

"Ah! Hahahaha!" Bellatrix cackles. "Wormtail! Put the boys in the cellar. I want to talk to the ladies. Girl to girl." Wormtail obeys shakily wrapping his sickly hands around the arms of Ron and Harry, shoving them down stairs into a cellar with no windows just cement. Draco takes a step back and immediately Narcissa snatches his arm, digging her fingernails into him, but he doesn't seem to mind.

"I think i'll start with the little mudblood first. Incarcerous!" She screams tying the struggling Lily up with rope rendering her immobile. She grunts trying to untie the rope, but no luck.

"Well..." Bellatrix gasps. "Where did you get that?!" Bellatrix screams pointing to the sword of Gryffindor in the hands of Hermione. Bellatrix takes out a dagger and twirls it in her fingers.

"That sword is supposed to be in my vault at Gringotts. How did you get it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Hermione states.

"Liar. What else did you take?"

"I told you I don't know what you're talking abou-"

Bellatrix stops her by slapping her to the ground. Lily yells in fear. Bellatrix climbs on top of Hermione, draws her wand and starts carving something into her arm. Hermione screams in pain. Lily's heart races and soon enough she screams too, with tears running down her face.

"Hermione!" Lily screams her name over and over, making the blood boil inside the boys. Meanwhile in the cellar, Luna, Ollivander and a goblin make themselves visible. Ron pacing the cellar and his heart pounding from the murderous screams coming from the girls upstairs. Harry is running his hands through his hair and is close to tears.

"We have to do something Harry!" Ron says.

"Theres no way out- we've tried everything." Ollivander says.

"You're bleeding Harry." Luna points to Harry's ankle and the white sock he once was wearing is now a deep red.  Harry pulls out the source that happens to be the shard of glass. "That's a curious thing to have in your sock. You were hiding it weren't you."

Before Harry could respond Hermione screamed again.

From Lily's point of view, Bellatrix was on Hermione, her foot holding one arm down and her two hands holding down the other. Bellatrix took her wand and started carving the word 'mudblood' into her arm. When Bellatrix finished, Hermione lays there. Not doing anything. Not blinking, not moving, just breathing and crying.

"Now for the guest of honor." Bellatrix smiles, showing her yellow moldy teeth at Lily. Lily, whose eyes were red and puffy, scared, starts panicking and struggling against the rope.

"Now. Tell me. How did you get into my vault?!" Bellatrix screams. Lily flinches.

"I-I don't know!"

"Stop LYING!" Bellatrix screams. "Tell me the truth!" Lily can't speak, she just sobs. "CRUCIO!"

A volt of electricity runs through Lily. The stabbing pain goes through her bloodstream, into her veins and up to her heart. Her back arches and she screams. That scream that you hear in the movies right when the woman is about to be murdered. The kind of scream that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand and you just can't help but cringe when you hear it. That bloodcurdling scream. Draco's heart is beating too fast and the pain is too much to bear for him.

"NO!" He screams. And the tears spill from his eyes. Lucius takes him and covers his mouth and drags him away to the back of the room cursing at him.

"Harry!" She screams. Bellatrix just laughs.

"There's no one to save you now flower!" She cackles. She points her wand again at Lily and another surge of pain goes into her body. Her screams are unbearable. The Cruciatus Curse. Unforgivable.

Meanwhile in the cellar, Wormtail comes down.

"Let them go! Let them go!" Ron screams at him.

"Shut it! You. Goblin. Come with me" Wormtail says.

Then Lily stops screaming.

"You're lucky you're still alive. But i want to savor you. Torture you, then kill you." they hear Bellatrix say. Harry slams his hands against the gate rattling it. Right as he was about to punch the wall there was a crack. And Dobby appeared.

"Dobby! What are you doing here?" Harry asks.

"To the save the Potters of course." He says worried some. "I could hear the screams sir."

"Do you mean to say that you can apparate in and out of here? And take us with you?" Harry asks.

"Yes sir, i'm an elf." Dobby replies.

"Works for me." Ron says eager to get the girls back.

"Right. Dobby, I want you to take Luna and Mr. Ollivander to-"

"Shell cottage to the outskirts of Tinworth." Ron finishes for Harry. "Trust me." Ron says turning to Harry.

Harry nods and looks to Luna.

"You'll care for Mr. Ollivander?" Harry asks.

"Of course." She says to Harry then turns to Dobby. "Whenever you're ready sir."

Dobby grins at Luna's use of sir.

"Like her very much." Dobby grins then turns to Harry and Ron. "Meet me at the top of the stairs in 10 seconds." Luna takes Mr. Ollivander's hand who took Dobby's hand, and there was a crack. Then they were gone.

We run to the gate up the door, we hear a sound and wormtail is shown, filling the doorway. Stiff as a board. Then he falls face first.

"Who wants his wand?" Dobby asks. They run to the sitting room, they see Bellatrix hovering over a crying Lily breathing very hard. She slaps Lily making her yell out in surprise.

"I've got a new toy." Bellatrix smiles. She steps away from Lily and walks to the goblin.

"Well?" She spits.

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