Chapter 4

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Lily's POV

"Are you two thinking that there is a Horcrux in her vault?" Hermione asks.

"As soon as Harry asked about Lestranges' vault i put two and two together." I say.

"Exactly. Didn't you see her face when saw the sword? She was terrified when she thought we'd been in there. She kept asking Lily and you what else you've taken. I'd bet anything there's a Horcrux there. If we find it, we can kill it. And if we kill it, we're one step closer to killing him." Harry says looking at Ron and Hermione.

"And if we find one? How're we supposed to destroy it if we've given Griphook the sword?" Ron asks. Harry and I pause.

"I'm still working on that part." I chuckle. I follow Harry as he walks to the room where Mr. Ollivander is being held. We see Fleur closing the door behind her with a half empty bowl in her hand. Harry stops, letting Fleur see him, she stops, effectively barring the door.

"He's too weak." She says.

Harry only looks at her. She sighs, steps aside and watches as Harry goes in. She rubs my shoulder and i smile a small smile at her before walking myself. When we walk in there Mr. Ollivander is laying in his bed, his sunken blue eyes curious and watching our every step. He attempts a feeble smile, but fails.

"Forgive me if i don't get up, young Potters." Mr. Ollivander says, his voice hoarse.

"No, no, of course not, you stay right where you are." I say.
They smile at my kind words, Hermione, Ron, Harry and Mr. Ollivander.

"Mr. Ollivander, we need to ask you a few questions." Harry says.

"Anything, m'boy, anything." Mr. Ollivander says. I smile at him.

"Can you identify these wands?" harry asks taking two wands from his back pocket. When did they get there...? Maybe he had his shirt over them?

"Walnut and dragon heartstring. Twelve and three quarters inches. Unyielding. This belongs to Bellatrix Lestrange." Mr. Ollivander says. I glare at the wand.

"And this one?" Harry asks taking out another wand.. this one looks strangely familiar...

"Hawthorn. Unicorn hair. Ten inches. This was the wand of Draco Malfoy." He mutters. I gawk at the wand feeling the tears come.

"Was? Isn't it still?" I voice cracks. My hand flies to my mouth biting my finger so my voice doesn't crack again. The tears spill from my eyes.

"Perhaps not- If you won it from him. I sense it's allegiance has changed." Mr. Ollivander says. I walk to Mione, she wraps an arm around my waist and I lean my head on her shoulder. Harry looks back at me and gives me a sympathetic look.

"You talk about the wands as if they have feelings." Harry says looking back at the crippled man.

"The wand chooses the wizard, Harry. That much has been proved to those of us who have studied wandlore."

"Mr. Ollivander, I was wondering, what does it mean to have long wands? Mine is much longer than Harry's, 1 inch to be exact. Mine has Holly tree with Unicorn hair. Does it mean something?" I ask, walk forward wrapping my arms around my forearms. Mr. Ollivander smiles.

"It does my dear. Longer wands mean that the witch or wizard that chooses it has a big personality, those with short wands, their personality is missing something... Do you have an interest in Wandlore?"

"Actually I do, but that's beside the point. Sorry Harry, go on."

Harry smiles at me. I wink at him and grin.

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