Chapter 13

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No One's POV (where Voldemort stands)

Voldemort freezes, bellowing in pain as his eyes burn red and he glares toward the castle in the distance, like he can see Harry grimace in pain.

Harry's POV

I scream in pain, i can feel my temple throbbing, my knuckles burning white as I grip the basilisk fang. Fissures surface in my fingernails.

No One's POV (Where Voldemort stands)

Voldemort's pale hand grips the Elder Wand so fiercely the hairline cracks the wand's veneer. Voldemort's stricken face wheels toward the black sky above, eyes scanning the dull stars with despair as he releases a mournful shriek.

Harry's POV

the fang crumbles in my fist. Staring toward the ceiling, gasps desperately, purging myself of the pain.

No One's POV (Where voldemort is)

Voldemort's eyes glitter with madness, his gaze lost, adrift in the dark constellations above. When he speaks, finally, his voice hoarse, oddly tender.

"Nagini. Come."

Voldemort begins to slip away, blasting anyone who stands in his way. Pius Thicknesse comes into view. His eyes widen. Voldemort raises his wand and, with callous disregard, executes him as well. As those ahead part for him and Nagini.

No one's POV (With Draco, Blaise, harry, Ron and Hermione)

Draco is staring fearfully at Harry. Blaise scrambles up and off.
Draco lingers briefly, then finally rises and follows,but as he reaches the end of the corridor, he looks back.He begins to say something, then continues on.

"You're bloody well welcome!" Ron says, then looks away. "Prat."

Ron looks back, to Hermione, and follows her gaze to Harry, who stares into the distance, his face still bearing traces of the agony he's just endured.

"Ron, you once asked me if I thought he felt it- Voldemort- when we destroy a Horcrux, when we destroy a piece of his soul." harry says.

Ron and Hermione wait.

"He does." Harry looks up then, meets their eyes. "It's the snake. She's the last one. The last Horcrux."

"Where will he take her?" Ron asks.

"Someplace safe." Hermione states.

"No. He'll keep her close."

As Harry wipes his brow, grazing his scar, trying to dispel the pain he feels- Ron studies him intently.

"Look inside him, Harry." Ron says to harry.

Hermione turns, looks at Ron. Then Harry does as well.

"Find out where he is. If we find him, we find the snake. Then we're one step closer to ending this."

Hermione studies Harry and Ron as they stare silently at one another. Finally, Harry closes his eyes. For a moment: nothing. Then: his eyelids dance with movement, his scar spasms. He winces. Finds himself inside his head finding Voldemort.

Soaring over dark fields, past unspeakable devastation. The Quidditch Pitch rolls into view, ablaze...

Then the boat house comes into view.

Voldemort sweeps eerily forward, Nagini slithering at his feet. Lucius malfoy looks up.

The walls shimmer oddly, reflecting the water's surface. Here, the assault on Hogwarts is muted, distant. A haggard Lucius Malfoy nervously eyes Nagini while Voldemort paces with a strange energy, glancing at the wand in his fingers- the Elder Wand- then to the lake itself, where a reflected Hogwarts burns in a beautiful blur. Suddenly, his eyes shift to Lucius.

"Stop looking at her. She smells your fear. It agitates her. Be grateful she's just eaten." Voldemort spits.

Lucius glances nervously to the weathered floor, to the blood smeared there. He closes his eyes to blot out the image when an explosion detonates in the distance. He jumps.

"Forgive me, my Lord, but wouldn't it be more prudent to call off this battle and seek the boy yourself?" Lucius asks nervously.

"I do not need to seek the boy !Before the night is out, he will come to me! Do you understand!?" Voldemort yells at him.

"Of c-course, my Lord." Lucius recovers.

Lucius trembles, staring into Voldemort's scarlet eyes.Voldemort steps forward, voice more measured.

"How do you live with yourself, Lucius?" Voldemort asks him, eying him in disgust. "Go. Find Severus. Tell him I need to see him immediately."

Lucius rises quickly, exits. Voldemort fixes his eyes on the wand once again. The snake hisses.

No One's POV (In the corridor with Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"I know where he is. We need to get Lily."

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