Chapter 8

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No Ones POV

"Let's have some fun with this, how about?" Neville asks whispering. Then he opens the door. "Listen you lot! I've got a surprise for you!"

"Not more of Aberforth's cooking, I hope. Be a surprise if we could digest it." Seamus says not looking at the door. They hope down and Lily chuckles. Everybody looks at them, utter silence. Lily's smile dies down until they all scream and clap with smiles on their faces. Neville whispers down to Nigel.

"Go and tell Remus that the Potters are back."

Nigel nods and scrambles to a battered Wizard Wireless. As it crackles to life, he leans in and says:

"River, DA calling. Do you read? We have a new weather report: Lightning has struck. I repeat, lightning has struck... "

Meanwhile Lily's cheeks hurt due to smiling and her arm aches from shaking hands and hugging everyone.

"Okay, okay! Stand down! Let's not kill them before You-Know-Who gets the chance!" Then the room is quiet. "Right then. What's the plan, Potters?" They gaze at the four, standing there.

"Okay. There's something we need to find, something hidden here in the castle. It could help us defeat You-Know-Who."

"Okay, what is it?" Neville asks.

"We don't know." Harry says. Lily nods, her lips into a straight line.

"Where is it?" Neville asks again.

"We don't know that either..." Harry says, sighing.

A confused murmur filled the room.

"We realise that it isn't much to go on-"

"There isn't anything to go on." Seamus cuts Lily off.

Harry falters, then his gaze happens upon the Ravenclaw Banner hanging across the room, bearing the symbol of an eagle. He studies it, a notion forming.

"I think it might have something todo with Ravenclaw. It would be small, easy to conceal, valuable. Any ideas?" Harry asks.

They all observe the people before them. No one says anything until Luna speaks up.

"Well there's Rowena Ravenclaw's lost Diadem." She says in her soft voice.

"Oh bloody hell, here we go." Ron says under his breath. Lily scowls at her friend.

"The lost diadem of Ravenclaw? Hasn't anyone ever heard of it? It's quite famous." Luna says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well, yes, but it's just that. Lost. For centuries now. There's not a person alive that's seen it." Lily says. Cho Chang shakes her head yes.
So do the rest of the Ravenclaws nod.

"Excuse me. But would someone tell me: What the bloody hell is a Diadem?" Ron asks.

"It's a crown, you know like a tiara." Cho replies.

As she says this, Harry frowns, trying to think if he's seen such a thing in the castle.

"Ravenclaw was rumored to have magical properties, to enhance the wisdom of the wearer." Cho says again.

Just then there are quick footsteps and a girl appears. She stops and looks at Harry.

"Harry." She says. Lily and Ron smiles. Ginny's gaze hasn't left Harry's eyes.

"Hey there." Harry says. Lily chuckles at her brother. Ron's smile falters.

"Six months she hasn't seen me and it's like I'm Frankie First Year. I mean, I'm only her brother." Ron says.

Lily scowls.

"Got loads of those, though. Doesn't she? There is only one Harry." Seamus says. Lily laughs.

"Shut up Seamus." Ron yells.

"What is it Ginny?" Neville asks.

"Snape knows. Snape knows that Harry and Lily were spotted in Hogsmeade." She says troubled.

The next hour was spent of Harry and Ginny snogging. Then Lily and Harry were lent robes. Professor Mcgonagall came in. Harry hid behind Neville and Lily hid behind Ginny, luckily she didn't see us. Neville and Ginny told them to stand in the formation. They walked through outside. They could see Snape standing in the window. Where Dumbledore once stood. It took all the strength in Lily's body not to glare at him. Luckily, Neville was doing it for her. When they piled into the Great Hall, they separated into 4 groups according to houses. Professor Snape was in the front. Professor Mcgonagall was next off to the side and more of the other professors were off to the other side. Then he started talking

"Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you here at this hour. It has come to my attention that earlier this evening... Harry and Lily Potter were sighted in Hogsmeade."

A murmured thrill fills the Hall. McGonagall's eyes glisten with curiosity. Snape raises his voice, briefly, to quell the noise in the Hall.

"I mention this in the hopes that truth will not be supplanted by rumor.
For myself and a few select members of the staff this comes as a  surprise. We have, for some time, considered Mr. and Ms. Potter's return to Hogwarts to be not only possible but inevitable. Consequently, in the past several months and under my specific direction, exhaustive defensive strategies have been employed to defeat any attempt Mr. and Ms. Potter might make to breach these walls. But know this. Should anyone- student or staff- attempt to aid Mr. and Ms. Potter, that person will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression. Rest assured: So long as I am Headmaster at Hogwarts, Harry and Lilian Potter will never again step foot in this castle." Snape snarls.

As applause erupts from the Slytherins, Maisy Reynolds, glowers over at them. Snape raises a hand. The room returns to silence.

"Now then. If anyone here has knowledge of Mr. and Ms. Potter's movements this evening... I invite them to step forward now." Dead silence. Then out of no where, a voice yells.

"I think... We can help you out with that.."

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