Chapter 17

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Harry lies facedown, glasses askew. He opens his eyes a millimeter, finds Narcissa's face swimming in the dawn's muted light, eyeing him with a strange intensity: the question, he realizes, was posed to him.

"My Lord, let me help you.-"

"I do not require assistance.

Across the clearing, Voldemort rises shakily, Bellatrix at his elbow. The Death Eaters watch, stirring uncertainly. Voldemort glances toward Narcissa, toward Harry. Bellatrix detects the wary glint in his eyes.

"The boy. Is he dead?" Bellatrix asks.

Harry's eyes shift, meet Narcissa's once again.Something in her expression... He closes his eyes. She places her fingers over his heart, whispers:

"Is he alive? Draco?"

Harry hesitates and then... nods- so subtly it's barely perceptible. Narcissa withdraws her hand, turns to where Bellatrix stands alongside Voldemort. Nods. The Death Eaters cheer. Hagrid howls in misery. The news seems to rejuvenate Voldemort. A fierce glint returns to his eyes. His stature grows. He eyes the Elder Wand... and smiles.

We are brought to the courtyard

Neville, battle-scarred and weary, perches atop a fallen statue in the chill morning air. Reaching into his pocket, he removes his wand, holds it to the light... and watches the tip drop like the head of a drowsy child. broken. He tosses it away.

Neville kicks through the rubble. One could reconstruct the history of Hogwarts from the detritus before him: spell books, trophies, potion boxes. But Neville's expression remains stoic, unsentimental. He's seen too much in the last 12 hours.

Neville crouches down, studies it. Reaching out, he wiggles it free, slaps it against his thigh to chase the dust.

The Sorting Hat.

He ponders it, regarding its ragged surface, singed and torn, then pops it on his head, a beaten jester. Again, his face remains blank. He squints, peering vaguely into the distance. As he gaze falls on the bridge, he stops. An odd procession approaches.
Hagrid lurches forward awkwardly, clutching a body in his arms, ropes extending in three directions from his neck as a trio of Death Eaters- one in front, two behind- jerk him along like a tethered beast. From Hagrid, Neville's gaze drifts to Bellatrix and Narcissa and then to Voldemort himself- dark, fierce- before settling on the most unnerving sight: a giant wending snake.

Suddenly a whisper fills Neville's ears.

"Don't despair, Longbottom. I put you in Gryffindor for good reason..."

The Hat coughs then, raining dust over Neville's brow and he whips it off, studies it warily.

"Who's that?" Neville turns to see Ginny and Lily, limping and clutching each other.

"Who is Hagrid carrying Neville." Lily demands again. Neville just stares, mute. Her eyes shift then, to him,and he sees they are glistening faintly. Her voice, when she speaks, nearly gets lost in the morning breeze.

"Neville! Who is that?!" Lily screams at him.

Before he can answer, others begin to spill out of the castle. Luna and Seamus. Cho. Arthur Weasley. Ron and Hermione emerge and, seeing the procession... know. Hermione draws a sharp breath and something about it- the unadulterated sense of loss contained within it- causes those around her to look and know as well.

"What's going on here, Neville?" Arthur Weasley asks.

Neville starts to speak but falters and then, simply because he can't bear to look at Lily's face and the faces of the others looking to him for something, anything, he turns his gaze to the Hat dangling in his hand. And as he does, something glints within. As he stares... Voldemort and the others, moving with them, as they draw near. Voldemort surveys the ruins of the castle and the beaten posture of the throng assembled upon its steps. He smiles faintly, with cruel satisfaction.

"Behold Nagini. Our work is done."

Ron, Hermione, Lily, Ginny and the others stand silently as the procession comes to a halt before them. All eyes drift to Hagrid and what lays in his arms.

"NO!" Lily screams and weeps to the dead, lifeless body in Hagrid's arms.
"NO! YOU- YOU'VE KILLED HIM!" Lily screams and weeps. Lily crumbles to the ground.

"Bellatrix... Have your way with her." Lily stood up and her eyes narrowed at Voldemort then to bellatrix. She stood up, wiped her eyes and took out her wand. Bellatrix narrowed her eyes then she lets out a maniacal laugh.

"This way flower!" She cackles. Lily nods. Ginny tries to reach for her, but she walks after Bellatrix.

Bellatrix leads Lily to the edge of the Forbidden forest. Lily's wand is out incase she tries to make an attack before she realizes it, killing her. Lily can't do that to Draco. She promised Harry.

"So.. We meet again flower." Bellatrix smiles, showing her yellow teeth.

"Yes. The third time isn't it? Don't fancy another." Lily responds.

"I'm not planning on it either flower."

"Tell me, Bellatrix Lestrange, why didn't you kill me that night? When i was barely a year old." Lily asks her.

"Your stupid brother almost killed the Dark Lord, i wanted the Dark Lord to get to safety. I was... Distracted."

"Shame he doesn't love you. I see it in your eyes. The lust. I'd never go for someone so ugly-"

Bellatrix whips her wand out and tries to use a spell but Lily was too quick.

"Expelliarmus!" Lily yells. Disarming Bellatrix, in one try. Bellatrix, dazed and annoyed, she looks at Lily, deranged. Bellatrix's wand flies to her hand.

"Immobulus!" Lily yells again and Bellatrix is rendered immobile. Lily tries a grin.

"Wow! A 17 year old, almost 18 year old, disarmed a Death Eater! Well damn. I thought you'd put up more of a fight." Lily says crossing her arms and smiling menacingly at her.

Bellatrix snarls at her.

"What would perfect, 'non killing', innocent, little twit do with me?" Bellatrix snarls.

"Oh just you wait-"

"Just do it, you little git!"

"Do what." Lily asks, slow and threatening.

"Kill me, do your best shot." Bellatrix says.

"Why would i do it now? It'd be such a waste." Lily tsks. "No no, i want to 'savor it. Torture you, then kill you.'"

"You don't have the heart." Bellatrix cackles. "Neither did Sirius. Or Fred- You're lucky we only took one.. it's not like you don't have a spare-"

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Lily screams, the green light shooting from her wand killing Bellatrix Lestrange instantly. And, with no regret.

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