Chapter 18

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Lily takes a deep breath.

"Fred died in an explosion you bitch." Lily says to the motionless woman in front of her.

(In Courtyard at the same time, right when Lily and Bellatrix leave.)

Voldemort gestures to Harry laying limp in Hagrid's arms.

"Tell me. These last few hours- as you collected the dead and tended to your wounded- was he by your side?"

Voldemort surveys the throng, they are mute. He nods as if the silence was his sort of approval.

"While your hands ran dark with the blood of your mothers and sons, fathers and daughters, his were clasped in prayer. But it was a prayer for one and one only. While you battled courageously, until you could no longer will yourself to stand, he had long since fallen to his knees. While you cursed me until your voices run ragged, he begged me for mercy in a voice meeker than a child's."

Voldemort's eyes narrow.

"So do not cry for that." He says and pauses.

If Lily were here she'd go crazy.. I'd have to hold her down. I'd need help. I hate you, you liar.

"He's not worthy of your tears.and do not despair on his betrayal. You were never in his heart. Not for one solitary beat."

"Liar!" Ron screams.

Voldemort flicks his wand and Ron drops to his knees,grimacing in pain. Voldemort gestures to him.

"HARRY POTTER IS DEAD! Did you not hear me! From this day forward, you put your faith in me or suffer the consequences." Voldemort screams.

Nagini hisses madly as Voldemort, looking a touch mad himself, rakes his eyes over the students and staff.

"Now it's time to declare yourself."

There is a nervous murmur from the crowd.
"Draco?" Lucius calls. Narcissa nods at Draco. He hesitates then makes his way to his parents.

"He saved your life. What about-" Ron was cut off when he saw a single tear roll down Draco's face, when he looks back at Ron. Then something inside Ron clicks. He finally understands. It was Lily who saved his life. He's coming back for her. Ron nods. Draco reaches his mother, she hands him a wand- Harry's wand.

"Well done, Draco. Who will be next? Hm? Come now, don't be shy" Voldemort asks.

Faces, weary but resolved, eyes burning with defiance, then Neville, chin on chest, gaze to the ground. As the Sorting Hat rocks gently in his hand, something glints within again, and a quivering parabola of reflected light dances above his brow.

As he steps forward.

Stunned, the others watch Neville- blackened with soot, Sorting Hat in hand- limp to a halt in front of Voldemort, who regards him with amusement.

"Well, I must say, I'd hoped for better. Is this truly the best Hogwarts has to offer?"

The Death Eaters laugh.

"Who might you be, young man?"

"Neville Longbottom." Neville replies to Voldemort.

"Well, welcome, Neville. I'm sure we can find you a spot in our ranks."

"Someone has to do the washing." A Death Eater calls from the crowd. The rest roar with laughter.

"Now, now, Bellatrix. Let's not under estimate our young friend. By stepping forward, he lives to see another day." Voldemort says.

Voldemort's eyes shift, regard those standing before him.The implication of his statement is not lost on them.

"I'd like to say something." Neville says.

Voldemorts brow furrows vaguely.

"Very well, Neville. I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say." Voldemort's eyes him cautiously as if Neville were to say the wrong thing, there'd be consequences.

Neville turns to the others, their weary faces regarding him with confusion, suspicion.

"It doesn't matter that Harry's gone. God only knows where the other Potter is. Could be dead for all we know."

"Stand down Neville!" Seamus yells angrily.

"People die every day. Friends. Family. Yes, we lost Harry tonight. But he's still with us, here-"
He says tapping his heart.
"And so is Fred and Remus and Tonks and... all of them. They didn't die in vain."
Then he turns to Voldemort.
"But you will. The lot of you. Because you're wrong. The Twin's heart did beat for us. All of us."

Neville takes a step forward, looks Voldemort in the eye and spits. Then he reaches into the Sorting Hat.

"This isn't over."

Scarlet glints in Voldemort's eyes and he smiles, raising the Elder Wand when Neville- in keen anticipation- reaches into the Sorting Hat and pulls forth the Sword of Gryffindor.

As Voldemorts wand fires, Neville parries and the curse rebounds, taking out the quartets of Death Eaters- Then....

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