Chapter 22

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No one's POV

Harry pushes himself forward, blindly, silently. He squints. Up ahead, dark coils of impossibly thick smoke corkscrew from the stone floor.

Whoosh! Harry wheels, watches a figure materialize back at the doorway. The smoke shifts, revealing Voldemort. He raises his wand, pointing it directly at Harry as the smoke thickens once again, concealing him. Seconds later...

a ribbon of fire erupts through the mist, stitching its way through the smoke towards Harry. Harry watches- transfixed for a moment- then flings himself aside, narrowly eluding the sizzling ribbon of fire.

Whoosh again. Voldemort vanishes, becoming one with the smoke, and Harry feels a rush of air rocket past him. He spins, blindly, and watches a disturbance of smoke several yards.


The air trembles with disturbance once more, but violently this time, the smoke whirling crazily up and down the corridor. Harry spins in a circle- wand raised- paranoid.

A second ribbon of fire comes from the blackness narrowly missing Harry.

Harry staggers on, tripping over the bodies that litter the stone floor, desperately gulping for air as the smoke grows thicker, choking him, a rag doll in the eye of a tornado, the light ahead blooming more brilliantly as he rushes on, blinding him as his heart thrums madly and Voldemort's voice rises in his ears...

"Die! Die!" He screams. It's not a video game. Harry thinks.

Voldemort's face flicker before him briefly, insanely, and Harry screams, pitching himself forward and then he is in the light, passing through, beyond the archway and...

Onto a shattered staircase, the sound of Voldemort- in pursuit- thrumming in his ears as he races desperately on before.

Staggering out onto the battlement, gulping air. He stops, looks around. Realizes he is trapped. He turns as Voldemort emerges, begins to raise his wand but...

Too late.

Voldemort's spell blasts harry off his feet.

(In the marble staircase)

Nagini ribbons forth rapidly, flowing effortlessly through the rubble that obstructs her path. Suddenly, up ahead, Hermione comes into view, wand extended. She fires. Nagini hisses, continuing on. Hermione lowers her wand, standing perfectly still as...

Ron pelts into view, fang in hand. He lifts the tusk when- Nagini spies him and- wicked fast- uncoils her tail, knocking the fang from his hand. He watches it clatter down the stone steps, then looks back at the great snake. It begins to move... toward him.

(Harry and Voldemort)

As Harry climbs to his feet, Voldemort sends a ribbon of dark matter snaking through the air. Harry blocks it, deflecting it downward, where it explodes downwardly. As the walkway beneath his feet gives way, Harry drops, just as another of Voldemort's spells sails over his head and...

Harry drops to a walkway below. Harry glances up, sees Voldemort's shadow begin to move forward.

He glances around, then dashes for a doorway ahead. He is almost there when:


(A/N: Holy hell i'm sorry there are too many dissapperatings and apparatings)

Tendrils of fabric encircle his ankle, arm and neck and spin him around. Harry looks:

Voldemort stands upon the walkway now, cloak swirling madly as the hem unravels and cloth vipers slither across the walkway and up Harry's body. Before Harry can react, Voldemort flicks his wand and snaps the cloth tight, reeling Harry toward him.

"Why do you live?!" Voldemort seethes.

As Voldemort's face looms close, eyeing Harry like a curious specimen, Harry looks up.

"Because i have something worth living for."

Angrily, Voldemort poises the Elder Wand over Harry's scar. The flesh there begins to color with blood, the lightning bolt turning white as ice. And then...

Voldemort's hand begins to tremble. He stares at the wand and watches- in horror- as a crack appears and begins to expand along its length. For a moment, he only stares, as if betrayed...

Harry looks too, mind racing. The tendrils encircling him begin to fray, loosening their grip on him ever-so-slightly. He wiggles his hand free and lashes out, striking Voldemort across the cheek.

Voldemort's eyes shift, glaring at Harry, when he looks down, watches a drop of blood strike the fabric encircling Harry's wrist. He reaches up, fingers his cheek: Blood.

Instantly, Harry steps back.


The tendrils of fabric burst into flames. Voldemort falls back and- with his fractured wand- slices the burning ribbons. As they turn to ash, Harry stumbles back and Voldemort picks him up and hurls him into a wall. As he rises, Voldemort fires again.

Blurry POV

Shadows streak across our plane of view, like warriors in an ancient shadow play. Sound surfaces soundly, oddly, as if our eardrums were numb and swollen and gradually returning to normal.

Neville. Bruised but unbowed. In an instant, it all comes clear- to him- that the Hall is full of wizards, fighting. Something glimmers in Neville's periphery:

The Sword of Gryffindor.

Neville, clutching the Sword of Gryffindor now, bumping past McGonagall and Dean Thomas as they battle a pair of Death Eaters, his gaze fully forward and oddly intent.

(In the Marble staircase)

Nagini writhes forward angrily as Ron dashes away. Seconds later, Hermione comes into view, running alongside.



"I need to tell you something!"

"Now would be a bad time to break up with me!"

"I'm not! I love you! And we're probably going to die so i just wanted to tell you!" Hermione laughs but rolls her eyes.

But they keep running.

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