Chapter 19

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Harry spills from Hagrid's arms and the crowd sighs with a GREAT relief.

"Potter!" Draco yells. Harry wheels toward him and Draco throws his wand to Harry- to his shock. Ron grins.

"Well done Malfoy!" Then he pauses. "I cannot believe i said that."

Wand in hand, Harry turns and- in one continuous motion- fires on Voldemort. Voldemort blocks the spell, eyeing Harry with mild disbelief, then anger.

Nagini hisses- as if attuned to Voldemort's emotions- and ribbons toward Harry. As she strikes, Harry sidesteps her- by inches- then stumbles back and counters.


Flames run the length of Nagini- with no effect- then climb the back of a nearby Death Eater and consume him.

Enraged that Harry has attacked Nagini, Voldemort fires a volley of curses. Harry parries the first, then falls back into a cloister. The stonework explodes all around him, creating three ragged holes. He pelts away.

As Harry arrives at the doors to the Great Hall, he finds Ron and Hermione there.

"Lily?" They both shake their head. Then Harry gets a look of Voldemort with his peripheral vision and starts to business. "The snake! You've got to kill the snake!"

"Harry watch out!" Neville screams back from behind. Harry wheels, sees Voldemort drawing a bead on him. As Harry begins to raise his wand, Neville steps between, brandishing the sword just as Voldemorts wand blazes and Neville's wand explodes, taking the full brunt of it all, Neville grimaces watching as Voldemort's spell- likes current of electricity race up the swords blade to the hilt, and pouches off his feet and fifty feet back into the great hall.

Harry Hermione and Ron exchange a glance between each other as if to say "no one could survive that."

The entrance hall explodes, students and staff return the fire. Voldemort flicks his wand, the air prickling with disturbance as he summons a shield of air insulating himself from attack. As he swoops forward, he responds with a devastating series of spells and the entrance hall quakes. Harry turns and sashes up the stairs, picking his way through r rubble and limo bodies strewn upon the steps attempting to draw Voldemort-and Nagini from the others.

It works.

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