Chapter 3 Young and In Love

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Chapter 3 Hunter's POV
"COME ON! We're literally parked right next to the beach, why can't we go?" "HUNTER! I DONT HAVE THE BODY FOR A SWIM SUIT!" Lauren screamed at me,"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND YOU HAVE A SEXY BODY!" We arrived in California last night and our bus is park a block away from Huntington Beach, CA. I looked at my band members,"will you guys come with me?" "HECK YEA WE WILL!" Charlie responded for everyone. I looked at Lauren and gave her the "please" look,"I don't have a bathing suit." "Now you do." I said as I slammed a Victoria's Secret bag on the table. She raised her brow,"it's a white bathing suit to match mine and little Hunter's swim shorts." "Only for an hour." She responded grabbing the bag and heading into the bathroom. YES.

I held little Hunter in my arms as we waited for Lauren at the beach. Matt, Steve, and everyone was in the water. I told them I would wait for Lauren until I went in. I looked at my waterproof watch and looked around,"it's hot." Hunter said. I looked at him as his big blue eyes looked at me,"dude, TELL ME about it." "I'm not taking my towel off." I heard Lauren behind me. I spun around as she covered her body. I rolled my eyes and put Hunter down. I walked up to her and ripped the towel off she covered her stomach quickly,"WOAH! YOU HAVE A 6 PACK?!" I yelled in amazement,"YES I DO! AND SO DO YOU." I walked up closer to her and removed her hands from her stomach,"don't worry about it." "I'm not, I'm more worried on everyone hitting on you for being shirtless." "NO GIRL will ever get this body other than you." "You're full of crap." She said as she slapped my stomach and picked up Hunter and walked to the water. I laughed as I watched her walk to the water, God, she has the most sexiest body EVER. I'm getting to full of myself. I sprinted into the water and dove into a wave. I laughed as I splashed Devo and everyone around me. A waved curled over me as I began swimming with it and got wiped out. I looked back at Lauren as she held little Hunter's hand walking into the water. I walked to him and picked him up and swam out to where the big waves were. Lauren followed me,"don't loose him." She demanded,"nah." "It's cold." Hunter complained,"a minute ago, you were complain how hot it was DUDE!" "HUNTER! BE NICE." "Just sayin." A wave was approaching us,"alright, buddy, on 3 hold your breathe ok?" "NO!" "YES! It will be for 2 seconds ok? I won't let you go." "NO NO NO!" "YES YES YES! 1, 2, 3!" I yelled as I jumped into the wave and quickly got up to catch my breathe. I looked at Hunter as his eyes were shut tightly and spitting out the water. I laughed out loud,"keep your mouth closed!" "You didn't say that." He responded. I gave him a kiss as I looked at Lauren as she was laughing at what happened. This, this is what my family should be like. Me, my wife, and my beautiful boy...

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