Chapter 13 Young and In Love

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Chapter 13 Hunter's POV
"Go get something to eat and I'll meet you back at the bus." I told Lauren before I have her a kiss and walked into a guitar shop. I looked at all the guitars feeling like this is the place where I should be. Always be. Electric guitars made me fall in love even more, I looked at the other types of guitars and the only thing I could imagine was me playing on stage, jumping around, singing, having a good time. I looked at the guitar strings and grabbed a pack in case if my other strings snap, I walked up to the counter to pay, I pulled out my wallet. I noticed the man's hand was really shaky and sweaty. Hmm... It's not really hot in here so I'm kinda confused,"dude you alright?" I asked handing him my card. He nodded his head real quick and took the card rapidly, I raised my brow in confusion,"Hunter Hayes in my guitar shop." I laughed, that's why he's shaking,"why not." He laughed then pulled on a straight face,"your wife was here the other day, getting your guitar picks and talking about you." I crossed my arms and took a better look at him to see what was really going on. People think I'm stupid, people think I don't catch on easily, I don't catch the little things, but I do when I really focus and something with this guy isn't right. At all. When Lauren got the picks, that was the same day she got abused,"I know you." I told him as he handed me back my card,"Rodger Williams, you picked on me in high school." I spoke. He nodded and wiped his forehead,"yea. That's me." "You told me I would never make the music business." I laughed out loud then paused,"what was my wife talking about when she was talking about me?" He scratched the back of his head,"I don't remember she yelled at me for picking on you in high school because I told her how I bullied you." He responded getting frustrated. I took a step back and looked at him from head to toe,"something's up with you." I said,"n-n-n-nothing's wrong." He stuttered. I grabbed my strings and walked out the guitar shop. I walked slowly trying to get my head straight on what happened in there, he picked on me, he told Lauren that. Lauren must have defended me and left, Rodger Williams had anger problems in high school. I stopped walking and looked all around me. Everybody was walking fast, I looked back at the shop as anger drowned me. A red vail was hovered over me, I threw down the pack of strings and sprinted back in the shop. I looked at Rodger as he had fear in his eyes, I jumped over the counter, tackling him in result. I got on top and punched him,"YOU DID IT! YOU DID IT!" I screamed hitting him and hitting him. Security guards pulled me off as I tried pushing them off to get him,"HE DID IT! HE DID IT!" "SHE SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN A SMART ASS THEN!" Rodger yelled at me as I got loose and tackled him again, but even harder,"DONT TALK ABOUT HER, DONT EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN!" I screamed almost choking him,"HUNTER!" I felt hands grab me from the waist and pull me off, I turned around as Lauren had me, I looked at her and placed my hands on her face and cried...

Young and in Love (A Hunter Hayes Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now