Chapter 32 Young and In Love

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Chapter 32 Lauren's POV
I woke up in fright as Hunter was breathing deeply next to me sitting up. He was out of breathe, sweating, shaking. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock as it was in the middle of the night. I looked at him,"what happened? You ok?" He was still out of breathe, he looked at me and just started at me,"can I see your left hand?" He asked. I handed it to him as he looked at my ring and felt it. He put it down and got up. What happened? Did he have a bad dream? Did he see something? Is something bothering him? I looked at his side of the bed as it had his sweat on it, I frowned as I had no clue of what scared him. He walked to the tour bus door, opened it and walked out. Little Hunter was sound asleep. I followed Hunter as he was sitting on the ground as Cole was sitting next to him. I sat down next to him as a shivered went through my whole body. I wrapped my arms around my legs and spoke,"what happened?" He looked at the moon then back down as he tried speaking without freaking out,"it felt real. So real. When I woke up, I thought it was the next day that all of it happened.." He started petting Cole,"I was yelling. Screaming at you. Because my music was getting messed up. And some how, I was blaming you and Hunter for the reason why. When this all was happening, we were at the hospital, but I don't know why, I just don't know why, but Hunter was in surgery and I was the reason why he was there. I said something to you that I couldn't believe it came out of my mouth..." He folded his hands together and took another breathe,"it hurt you so bad that you took your ring off and threw at me. I got so mad that I stepped on it. The diamond shattered. You asked for a divorce, I said no and I tried apologizing and you were so mad that you were about to call the police, until I finally left. Then I woke up. In fear because I was ready to go and say sorry to you. I look to my left and there you are sleeping right next to me, so beautiful, with a ring on your finger." He finished as tear fell from my eye,"you had every right to be mad.." He said,"I didn't care if you called me a loser any other names, I couldn't believe I said you and Hunter were the reasons why my music was messed up.." He stopped as he started messing with his hands. I titled my head as I tired to feel what he was feeling. I crawled on my knees so that I could be in front of Hunter as I did. I lifted his chin up as he looked dead on in my eyes,"you're not like that. You can think that one day you'll act the way you did in your dream, but you will never be like that. You know why? Because you're smart. You know what's right from wrong and that's why so many people love you. It's why I love you." His green eyes still showed sorrow and guilt,"don't let this affect who you are. Please." He just looked at me as I just stared at him..

Young and in Love (A Hunter Hayes Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now