Chapter 10 Young and In Love

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Chapter 10 Lauren's POV
I opened my eyes. Slowly. I blinked a couple times trying to get my eyes to focus on where I'm at. I looked and saw Hunter sleeping in the chair next to me with his guitar next to him. I sat up and rubbed my eyes as I flinched from the pain I felt when I did that. I was still wearing the same clothes from last night, I looked out the room window and saw some of he band members outside waiting. Hunter was suppose to have his concert last night, I put my hair in a pony tail and looked at Hunter,"Hunter." I whispered. He moved, but didn't wake up. I threw my pillow at him as he still didn't move an inch. I frowned and stood up. I walked to his guitar, put the strap around me, and stood right in front of him. "I DONT WANT EASY I WANT CRAZY!" I screamed as loud as I could strumming the guitar like crazy. Hunter jumped right awake in fright and looked at me. I smiled,"DID YOU HAVE A GOOD SLEEP SLEEPING BEAUTY?!" I sarcastically said as I was putting down his guitar,"why- why are you up? Lay down." "I don't feel anything. I'm fine, other than my face hurts." "Than you do feel something, please don't wake me up like that again." "Then wake the hell up the first time I wake you then." I sat down at the edge of the bed,"what happened last night?" I asked. He rubbed his eyes, got up, and sat next to me,"I don't know. Me and Hunter were talking about superheroes and I saw you in the distance barely standing. I caught you before you fell." "Where is Hunter?" "At the bus. I don't want him to see you like this at all, but Lauren, do you remember anything that happened when you were leaving?" "I was walking back to the bus and a hand covered my mouth." "What happened after that?" "I'm trying really hard to remember, it was a man. Late 20's early 30's probably, I couldn't really see his face. He hit me. I fought back, but I don't remember what happened." "I'm sorry, I should have went with you." "Nah, it wasn't your fault." "Why does it sound like you don't care?" "I do care, I'm trying really hard not to think about it, can we just go home?" Hunter let out a sigh,"alright, come on."

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