Chapter 1

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Darcy's POV

"Mo-om!" I call out as I tuck the corners of my bedsheets down.
"What?" I hear a muffled voice yell.
She comes running in, sliding on my hardwood floor in her polka dot socks.
"Calm down, I'm fine!" I laugh and she shakes her head chuckling.
"I know, just gotta be careful."

I smile at my beaming mother. Today's my first day at the University Of Pennsylvania. I was enthralled when I got my letter of acceptance. I'm a straight A honors student. Why wouldn't I? My health records?
When I was eleven years old I was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, which is where cancer begins in bone cells and is most common around the knee joints.
I did indeed beat the cancer before it could grow into something worse but my mother is always preaching about precautions of a relapse.

The doctors at first thought they would have to remove my knee cap, but they didn't. It just, went away. I am so incredibly thankful for that.
Some aren't so lucky for the cancer to just disappear,  but I was. I had to go through three chemo therapy sessions, and my hair did fall out, but within eight long months it went away without a trace.

"We have all of your things packed away in the truck." My mom says as she pats the wall where my vacant tape that held posters sits.
I continue tucking down my bed sheets and chuckle when I hear a sniff and whimper come from my mom.
"You've grown up so fast." I hear her whisper.
"Mom-" I start but she grasps me in a choking bear hug before I can say another word.

"Promise me you'll keep up your good grades."
"I promise."
"And your good behavior."
"I promise."
"And your reputation."
"I prom- what do you mean reputation?" I gasp.
"You know, sleeping around. Getting drunk as hell." My mom says and slaps my back as I hurtle over in laughter.
"Just don't do it. Got it?"
So I just nod during my fit of laughter.

It's the thought of me sleeping around or getting drunk. My motto is nothing comes off until the ring goes on. Im nineteen and I've never had a single sip of alcohol in my life. My friends have tried to get me to take a drag of pot and sip of vodka but I always would refuse. I just don't do that type of thing.

"Now, let's get these bags down to the truck huh?"
She says, clapping her hands and whisking away with my suitcase. I shake my head, a grin still widely evident on my face as I pull my backpack onto my shoulders.

*                       *                           *

"Alright, here we are! Room A-237."
I blow my cheeks out and squint my eyes shut when my dad says my dorm number. I've never been superstitious, but having my dorm room number the same as the possessed room's number in the Stephen King novel The Shining kinda sets off a bad first day vibe.

My dad swings open the oak door and parades on in.
I follow suit, narrowing my eyes at the big 237 on the door. I pull my things into the room and gaze at the wide rectangular room. It's nice, with hardwood floors and beige walls with white trim. There's a twin bed on one side covered with posters, books, two suitcases, a backpack, and a big case that looks like it carries makeup and hair products. I scrunch my nose up at that, I've never been big into makeup really. Sometimes I'll do winged eyeliner but not often. I just go with powder on my face and a bit of lipstick and mascara. I normally curl my hair or straighten it, it's natural wave is not really flattering in my opinion.

I lay my bags on the empty bed on the other side, and drop my book bag to the ground.

"Hey now-" grouches my mother, scooping up my bag. I laugh as her OCD kicks in and she straightens my strewn out bags. I'm not as OCD as her but I do tend to want things in order. I mess up my things just to annoy her.

I hand over my paper agenda to my dad who keeps insisting to read it, and I begin tearing my mother away from the mess.
"It's fine mom." I whine with a chuckle when she frowns.
"Honey-" She starts but my dad coughs.
"I think it's time we hit the road Lindsey." He says to my mom, nudging her in the gut softly.

I smile at my dads help to leave me with freedom, and I wrap them both into a giant group hug as my mom goes on and on about drugs and rapists and all that bad stuff. I lead them out and watch as they rush down the stairs, my mom a blubbering mess and my dad trying to get her out of this dormitory.
I wave goodbye and spin on my heel back to my room, only to run flat into some girl.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I say in a rush, bending down to pick up the novel I knocked out of her hands.
"It's fine." She says quietly, I almost miss the shared words.
"I'm Darcy." I say bravely, trying to make at least one friend my first day. I've never been good socially. I lost a lot of my friends after I was diagnosed with cancer. They thought I was a "burden".

"I'm Sophia." She sniffs, pushing her mousy brown hair out of her face, revealing dozens of freckles. Her blue eyes are vivid out of all the brown.
"Do you live here?" She says quietly, pointing to the room A-237.
"Yeah, I hate the room number." I laugh and she just smiles, showing off blue braces.
"Cause of the Shining?" She laughs and I widen my eyes in agreement.
"Yes!" I say and she just shakes her head, walking in.

"I'm guessing you're my roommate huh?" I say and she nods.
"Looks like it." She says and tosses her lanyard and book on the desk.
I nod and walk over to my bags, beginning the long haul of unpacking with Sophia's help.

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