Chapter 16

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I pull out of the school parking lot minutes after Harry does. By now I know the route to the headquarters and I do not need to dead on follow him there.

I go as slowly as I can, going through the possibility things Harry could be hiding from me.
Cheating on me with Zoe?
No she likes girls more then guys so I doubt it.
Meeting up with that blonde?
Oh god what if it's worse, he planned this and actually didn't throw away my bloody sheets?
No I saw him toss it into the garbage.

I'm making my head hurt with all of the possible explanations so I just take deep breaths. If he's cheating on me then I'll know the truth. I'll leave him after a second time. The worst it could be is that he's cheating on me with that blonde.

I pull down the road to the headquarters and park a quarter mile before you get to the building in the woods so no cars can see me.
I climb out and head down the gravel pathway to the brick building I've grown to despise.

I boredly kick pebbles as I go down the road. I didn't realize how far a quarter of a mile is.
Obviously I'm not in shape.
I fold my arms as I walk and I feel my chest tighten when the brick building looms in the distance. It even looks menacing. I pause when I hear the crunch of gravel, so I sprint to the safety of the dark woods. I crouch down low into the weeds, praying whoever is coming doesn't see me.

It's Louis, and I watch as he parks and gets out, going straight into the building. I notice he flicks something, leaving it unlocked. For me I'd say.

Once the coast is clear I sprint to the door.
I'm gasping for breath by the time I get there. I slowly open the metal door and slither in.
I gaze around the dark room and take in the details.
Louis didn't give me a specific place to meet him at I realize. I look in through office doors and sigh to myself. Then, I hear voices carried from down the hall.

I follow the voices as I tiptoe down the hallway. I turn a corner I've never been on before and walk to the end of it where I hear the voices. It's a long, dark corridor that gives me the creeps.
At the end of the hallway, it's two double doors like you'd see in a school cafeteria. Two rectangular windows on both doors. I peer through the cracks and see there's huddled people. My heart stops when I see Harry and Louis.

I try to see what they're looking at it, with fail.
I push open the door gently, knowing if it makes a creak im done for. To my relief, it doesn't. I prop it open with a door blocker for my sake if I get caught.
I crawl in quietly, and peer through the people. There's something on a table that they are examining, I'm just trying to figure out what.

I see feet, so someone is on the table.
I peek through someone's shoulders and I duck down when someone begins talking.

"As you know, Harry here served a good purpose."
Begins the guy-Zayn.
I watch Harry look down, a frown on his face.
"He handled this situation well. Not too well because they found her body but well enough evidence and the proof is off us."

Her body?

I try to get a closer look as I listen to their conversation. It's a wonder nobody has spotted me yet.

"Since Sophia couldn't keep her ugly ass mouth shut, we sent Harry to take care of her."


"He shut her up for good, didn't you mate?" Sneers Zayn. Harry just nods solemnly.
"Way to go Harry. Didn't know you had it in ya to kill someone. Let alone a girl." Smirks some boy.
"Now let's take a look shall we?"
Concludes Zayn and when he removes a white sheet from the table, my heart goes cold and my veins feel as if they're shriveling up.
It's Sophia, and her once beautiful brown hair is full from death and her skin is all bruised and swollen. Her neck is covered in strangle marks.

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