Chapter 2

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"I said wake up!" Says a voice in my ear.
I jerk out of my sleep, blinking my eyes out of its blurriness to the sight of Sophia, who's straight hair is curled and her face has a hint of makeup on it.

"Wha-" I start but she just laughs and tosses my bag at me.
"It's 6:32. You'll be late to class if you don't get up."
I'm up and running around within seconds. I can not be late to my first day of college.
I slip into my new white sweater and clip on my golden cross necklace. I jump into my skinny jeans and brown combat boots while somehow still managing to fumble with my phone and shove it into my bag.

I rush around, causing a few curse words from Sophia when I knock her paint brushes over.
I mutter my apology and rush to the bathroom.
"Mascara or no mascara?" I mumble to no one, digging through my skimpy makeup collection.
I decide to go ahead and put on some as I run the black brush over the lashes.
I apply powder to the border of my t-zone area, cursing when I get the forsaken powder in my eye.

"Ready?" Yells Sophia.
"One more second!" I call as I run a brush through my tangled locks.
"Done! Coming!" I yell, throwing the brush to the side and running out.
"Jesus fucking Christ you're slow." Complains Sophia as she pulls open the door.
I mentally cringe when I see the big golden letters stating our demonic room number.
Sophia must see my resentful eyes because she just scoffs and pushes me over the threshold.
"Get over it, Parker." Spits Sophia and I just roll my eyes. She's going to tease me on this all year.

We walk down the corridor, passing a few students and one couple making out before class. I wish this dormitory forbid boys in the girls dorm, they are rowdy. I scrunch my nose up at them and look down. I hear Sophia grunt and mutter something like "bastards." But I'm not entirely sure. Some students smile and wave, Sophia just nods but I like always shrink up. I'm not what you call an excelling social person. I'm sure as hell bad at communicating with anyone that doesn't have four legs.

We walk outside, and groan in sync when we see that a large black cloud is covering the sky.
"We better hurry to outrun that thing." Sophia says pointing a pale finger at the dark cloud.

I nod, running after her down the sidewalk. We dodge joggers, mailmen, dogs, and even a few fire hydrants. This is some first college day so far.
I slow down, blowing air in and out to catch my breath. Sophia turns around and raises an eyebrow,  clearly not out of breath.
"Before you ask I'm in cross country." She says.
I nod and blow air out at the now moist air.
"Leave me here, I'll just skip." I gasp and she just sighs, grabbing my arm and jerking me up and taking off with me following suit.

I breathe out in relief when I see the commons building after a few seconds.

"Final-ly!" I gasp out, and kick Sophia in the shin when we walk in when she calls me a wimp.
"See you around Darcy!" She says and takes off to her algebra class.
I sigh and pull out my crinkled piece of paper, squinting to read the fine print saying what class is my first block. Looks like Mr.Carpenter, World History, Room 214.

At least it's not 237.

I walk slowly, reading down my schedule over and over trying to memorize the words.

Mrs.Clause, Calculus.
Mr.Rhyne, Business and Entrepreneurship.
Mrs.Simpson, English.
Mr.Twist, WWP.
Mrs.Hollingsworth, Biolo-

My mental reading stops when I feel myself run straight into a human figure. I seem to knock into a lot of people here.

My schedule flies out of my hands, along with the person in front of me's book.
"I'm so sorry!" I say bending down to pick up the book.
"N-No it's, um, f-fine." Stutters a voice. I grab the novel anyways and stand, handing him the book.
The boy looks up, adjusting his crooked black framed glasses.
"Did I cause that? O-Oh I'm really sorry." I stutter myself.

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