Chapter 13

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Darcy's POV

Harry's little outburst and disappearance in fact didn't bother me. If he wants to leave, let him leave I don't give a shit.

I'm not the type to cling all over my guy, but I can't say I wasn't sad that he left. I thought over going after him but decided against it.
So I just blasted Come As You are and pretended to play the riff.

It's almost seven now and there's been no call or text from Harry.
I pursue my lips as I reluctantly hit call.
I'm nosy okay.
But I frown when it immediately goes to voice mail.
So, he's turned his phone off.
On purpose?
No he wouldn't do that.

I do the only thing that comes to mind, I decide to go down to headquarters.
I run to the doors outside and am in my Buick within a matter of seconds.
I drive down to the familiar highway that leads to the  incorporation and I park. I see Harry's Buick which causes me to let out a breath of relief, then suck it back in. What's he doing here?

I pull open the metal door and walk in bravely, knowing that the faded pink marks on me are from doing this.

I find some girl in a black jacket and skinny jeans.
I tap her on the shoulder and she turns and to my relief isn't rude. She smiles brightly. Her winged eyeliner is literally perfectly straight and her eyelashes are all even.

I feel a pang of jealousy knowing that Harry works with such a pretty girl but then I push the though away.

"Have you seen Harry?"
"Yeah, Uhm Styles."
"Oh, he and Zayn and others went to a party."
"The boss."
"Isn't he, like old?"
She bursts out laughing while simultaneously shaking her head.
"Zayn's only 22."
"Why were you wondering."
"Harry, is my boyfriend. I think."
"Oh you're Darcy?" She exclaims and I raise an eyebrow and nod.
"That's me."
"He never fucking shuts up about you. I understand why. You're really pretty, by the way I'm Zoe." I smile.
"Thank you, so are you."
"Thanks! So how about a surprise visit to that party?"
She grins and I open my mouth to argue.
"Let me do your makeup. I live here so I have my makeup and dresses."
"I don't think-"
"Come on, you need to blow them off their feet."
I finally break down and agree as she squeals and drags me to the bathroom.


Half an hour later, I'm a finished product.
My hair is straightened and is actually longer then I thought it was. I have straight smoky eyeshadow and winged eyeliner. My skin is paler from makeup and my see through black dress makes me look pretty. Sexy even. (Picture on side)

"What do you think?" She says proudly and I nod in approval.
"Impressive. You made me actually look decent."
"You look decent with or without this honey."
She assures me but I can't help but feel self conscious.
"Are there strippers at the party?" I blurt before I can register what words I was saying.

"I hope so." She winks and I realize she's thinking male strippers.
"No I mean female strippers."
"I know."
"O-Oh sorry.." I mumble and she just laughs.
"I'm Bisexual. It's cool."
I smile at her in relief and she grins, clapping her hands.
"Let's get to that party eh?" She grabs my wrist and pulls me out the door while I'm going through a million ways to get out of this.

She drags me to this giant, and like the usual cars around here, black.
I climb into the side, when a certain thought goes through my brain.
A completely stupid thought but what if this girl is kidnapping me to be her lesbian lover? Jesus Christ I'm paranoid.

I tap my foot on the floor of the car nervously, bouncing my knee.

"Calm down will you?" Zoe scoffs and I just roll my eyes.
"I've never been to party before." I say and she pretends to choke in shock.
"No fucking way!" She gasps.
"It's true. I'm a Virgin in more ways then you can imagine. No sex, drugs, alcohol, or even a cigarette."

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