Chapter 7

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(trailer on side)

Darcy's POV

Marcel forced me to stay home from classes a day to my protest. I'm fine and well but he wouldn't let me leave. He hid my bag, and wouldn't let me leave the bed.
"You need rest!" He had protested.
"I'm fine Marcel." I had groaned, much to his dismay.
"You're staying here and this is final."

He went on to his classes, and I realize I haven't seen Sophia in two days.
I wonder where she could have wandered off to.
I snooping my look through her things.
I finally find a phone number that's labeled Luke- and bunch of hearts drawn around the name.
Probably her boyfriend.
I set the slip of paper back down where I found it. That's where she is I'm sure, with her boyfriend.

I sigh and walk over to the kitchen area, grabbing a knife and a banana. I start slicing it up slowly, my mind wandering else where.

Suddenly the door swings open with a small clatter, causing me to squeal and jump.
"Jesus Christ Marcel!" I shriek and he just laughs, tossing his bookbag to the floor.

"How's my favorite patient?" He purrs, and comes over punching me playfully.
"I'm not a patient." I growl and jerk away from him.
"What are you mad at me?" He laughs, pushing his glasses up on his nose.
"Damn right I'm mad at you. I can't afford to miss any of my classes yet you held me hostage."
Something flashes in Marcel's eyes that looks like guilt, making me utterly confused really quickly.

"Hey, I was joking-"
"I know that." He snaps.
I raise my eyebrows and twirl the knife in my hand as Marcel awkwardly shifts his feet.
"Maybe you should put that knife down." He says as he rocks back and forth on his heels.
"Whatever." I breathe out and shove the knife back into the cubby.

"Have you seen Sophia?" I ask as I walk over to Marcel who's taking his glasses off and shaking out his hair.
When the words leave my lips, I watch as Marcel stiffens.
"S-Sophia who?" He stammers out, biting his lip.
"Um, my roommate." I gesture to the vacant side of the dorm room and he glances over there too, and I watch as he narrows his eyes and nostrils flare.
He pushes his hair out of his face and shakes his head.
"Never seen her before in my life."

I nod, sitting down on the bed and Marcel does the same.
"She hasn't been home for days. I'm starting to get worried."
"She's probably with her boyfriend." Assures Marcel, resting his hand on the small of my back in a sweet gesture.

I nod, then pause as I furrow my eyebrows.
"How do you know she's has a boyfriend?"
"I thought you said you've never seen her before?"
I interrupt, gazing at him steadily.
I notice his hand starts to shake ever so slightly, which causes a lump to grow in my throat.
"Do you know something I'm unaware of?"
I say quietly.
Marcel suddenly seems to snap out of it, because he just smiles warmly, scooting close to me again.
"It was a lucky guess. Calm down." He coos softly, smiling as he caresses my hand with his index finger.

"Yeah, you're right. Im just paranoid." I sigh, clicking my tongue on the roof of my mouth.
Marcel just chuckles deeply, leaning into me.
"She will come home soon." I say to more of myself.
I feel Marcel stiffen once more against me, and I can faintly hear his breath hitch.

But unlike his gestures. His voice comes out deep and smooth.

"You're right. She will."

I look over at him and his eyes are shut, as he nestles his curly haired head into my neck.
"You're exhausted. I'll let you sleep."
I whisper to the sleep boy in my room, I start to get up and let his head gently fall onto the pillow but as soon as I'm up, his large hand grasps my small wrist.
"Mmm.." He murmurs.
"Marcel let me go, you need sleep." I whisper.
"Stay with me." He murmurs.
"Marcel-" I start but he groans into my pillow.
"Stay with me woman." He groans softly.

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