Chapter 11

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Harry's POV

"Get your fucking hands off her." I hiss.

I come out already pissed about my encounter with Zayn to see the man slut Louis wrapped around my girlfriend. Well at least I think she's my girlfriend. That's beside the point.

He's even touching her damn face.
I storm over there and loom over Louis. He hasn't unwrapped his arm from her shoulder that should only have my arm around it.
"Did you not hear me? Get your fucking hands off of her. Now." I growl.
I grab him by the collar and yank him up, as Darcy scrambles to get out of the way.
"Harry-Stop it!" She snaps.
I want to beat the living shit out of him for hitting on her but I just release him.

"Sorry." I mumble to Darcy, not to Louis.
I know Louis' past, and how he uses pretty innocent girls for a pleasure. He befriends them then does them in for the fun of it.

Only I know that. This is the headquarters.
That's the type of thing people do around here.

"Come on Darcy." I say quietly and she nods, smiling to Louis and waves goodbye. I cringe on the inside at that. How naive is she?
We walk silently to the Buick and she climbs in before I can open the door.

"I was going to get that for you you know." I say jokingly, praying she jokes back.
"Looks like I beat you to it." She crinkles her nose and I feel a wash of relief come over me.

"Are you okay?" I ask after a beat of silence.
"I'm fine."
The words I'm fine can have a million back stories.
"What was Louis helping you with?" I ask curiously, trying to pretend that seeing him with her didn't make me have murderous thoughts. Yeah I'm not a calm person at all.

"I had a fit of coughs is all."
"But you had blood on your mouth-" I start to protest but she just shakes her head.
"I'm fine. Really. Just take me home please."
I nod and pull the car into drive, driving slower then normal so I have more time with her.
I rest my hand on my thigh and to my pleasure she doesn't move, just sets hers on top of mine.

"You're going pretty slow aren't you?" She laughs and I shrug innocently.
"I'm driving at my pace."
"Yeah, sure."
I chuckle with a smirk as we all too soon slowly pull into the dorms.
I frown when I see people running around, some are crying some are frowning and some just look damn confused.
"What's going on?" Asks Darcy, who's eyes are wide at the commotion.
I squeeze her thigh gently.
"Don't know." I murmur and we climb out of the car.
"I'll be right back." Darcy says and before I can ask she's pushing through the crowd.

I grab some kid by the wrist and look him in the eyes.
"What's going on?"
"Oh? They identified the body."
I act as if I'm mortified.
"Really?" I gasp.
"Who was it identified as?"
"Sophia Baxter."
Fucking hell.
"Oh no that's terrible!"
"Is there any suspects or was it suicide?" I lie in wonder.
"There's one main suspect of murder."
"Who is it?" I ask.
"Darcy Parker."

This can't be happening.

"What the fuck?" I roar and the boy flinches away.
"That's crazy!" I hiss and push past the boy.
I have to find Darcy before someone else tells her. Since I'm quite tall, I am easily scanning the heads to find the familiar blonde one.
I run into the dorms, praying she's in here safe from the news so I can break it to her.

I finally find room B-237 and it's open slightly.
I walk to it quietly and I feel my heart shatter when I hear sobbing coming from the room.

I knock on the door softly, pushing it open.
My entire feels a dead heavy weight feeling when
I see Darcy in there. She's on the forever vacant Sophia's side and she's clutching Sophia's bag.
She has her knees pulled to her chest, and her eyes are bloodshot with tears pouring down her cheeks.

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