Chapter 8

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*warning: some sexual content in this chapter*

"A murder?" I choke out, bile rising in my throat almost immediately.

"Yeah, the body of some girl was found in Sandra River." She says and shakes her head in sadness.

"Who was it?" I say and a male voice interrupts.
"She's been yet to be identified, or she has and it just hasn't been released yet." I turn to see the blonde boy who bullied Harry the first day, the first time I ever met Harry.
"Oh." I say quietly. The girl I was speaking to takes off to catch up with her friends.

I turn away from the jock and scurry around back to my room.

Harry stops me and grabs my arm with fright clear in his features.
"Darcy, Darcy did you hear?" He says, his voice cracking in pure fear.
"Yeah, it's really sad and scary." I say and look at him.

"Did someone tell you who it was?" He says, his voice cracking and shaking with every syllable.

"Well no, Did someone tell you who it was?" I ask and just like that the fright is gone from Harry's face.
It's now... Relief? I'm not entirely sure.
"No. Nobody did." He says shaking his head.

"Well I'm going down to the campus to get the things  I missed." I say quietly, and I don't think he heard me as he doesn't acknowledge it and I walk into my room grabbing my keys and phone and bag. I walk out to see Harry with his arms crossed, talking to some girl.
I start to walk over there to tell him bye but when I catch the conversation, I quickly change my mind.

"I haven't seen you around here before."
"You have, you just never noticed me."
"I wish I had sooner, you're pretty handsome."
"I wouldn't say handsome."
"You're right, more like sexy."

I back away slowly so he doesn't see me, and bite my lip. He's out and about without his nerd attire on, so he's bound to get noticed. He is utterly gorgeous in all honesty.

I speed walk down the hallway through freaking out teens and rush down the steps to the outdoors.
I walk down the sidewalk rather quickly to make it in time before the school buildings close. I skid to a stop when I pause at the main building. I wander down the hallway to my locker and class.
I try the door and curse to myself when I realize it's locked tight.
"Shit shit shit." I mutter and walk over to my locker.
I unlock it and it's creaking echoes in the empty hallway. I grab my notebooks and agendas and pencil pouch, when I get that feeling I'm not alone.
I pause from my packing and my eyes slowly rise from my bag to the middle of my locker.

"Long time no see, pretty girl." A snickering voice says from behind me and I feel my heart fall in my chest.

Harry's POV

I basically tune out this slut who's trying to convince me to take her in the bedroom. I mean honestly, why would I fuck someone like that. I've never even done that with anyone before.
Okay I'm lying but still.
I let my mind wander back to Darcy, the way her small lips felt against mine and I'll tell you what. That small lip graze drove me more crazy then any slut taking me on in the bedroom.

The only reason this desperate girl is flinging herself at me is that she can brag she slept with a good looking guy. I don't see why I'm considered good looking when I'm not dressed I'm casual class attire.
She never would have noticed me had I not let my guard down and come out in public with just skinny jeans and a black shirt with my hair down.
I can't help but notice the girls outfit.
A tight black shirt, well crop top and skinny jeans with black pumps.

Of course my mind fantasizes about how damn good Darcy would pull that off but I quickly push that thought away. I can't have an intimacy with anyone.
It's forbidden.
Speaking of Darcy, where is she. I crane my neck around the hall, searching every face for the familiar face but I recognize no one.
I interrupt the girl trying to seduce me.
"Hey, listen I'm not interested and I have to go. If you'll excuse me." I say and walk off quickly so she doesn't follow me.

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